Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My life is not blogworthy.

I'm thinking about making that the title of the blog, as it feels appropriate. We'll see.

Again, I've fallen off the blogwagon. How did this happen? I am such a hypocrite, since I absolutely love reading the blogs of those I care about. I'll attempt to recap (not that you've missed much).

Volleyball and pool are coming to a close. This means spring may arrive [somewhat] soon! Winter didn't seem quite so extreme this year; that in no way implies I am a fan of the Midwest weather.

January seemed like a long month, but was punctuated by fun events such as game night (finally, a successful one!) and snowboarding (oh, WI mountains). And then February came and went. Who knew that 3 fewer days could make such an impact? I suppose the month was helped along by two visitors (shout out, Katy H!).

I met a boy. It's about time. Speaking of, when it rains, it freaking pours. Why is that?

This month I'll find myself in Chicago (tomorrow!), Atlanta, Gainesville, Atlanta, Menomonie, and Dallas. If only we could spread these things out.

Work continues to go well. Two more manuscripts under review and an upcoming presentation - it's almost like I have a career. Almost.

See why I don't blog? I need anecdotes! Hhmm... I suppose I could talk about how every time I go to the local airport I see someone I know (and in extreme cases love interests and friends are on the same flights). Or about the girl on an opposing pool team that was too drunk to open her eyes, but still played better than I did. Or about the WI scavenger hunt I went on while bar hopping (camouflage? check. snowmobile at a bar? check.). But no - maybe next time.

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