Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Owen can roll over.

I very much enjoy the simplicity of baby milestones. We should continue to congratulate ourselves for small accomplishments (not to say that rolling over was a small accomplishment for Owen - I'm so proud of him!). But really, I think as a society we are too critical of ourselves (not to say that there aren't some out there, however, who could benefit from a little criticism). Okay, maybe it's just that I am being too hard on myself. Lately I seem to be dwelling on all that is wrong with my life at the moment and not appreciating how far I've come. I mean, I rolled over, got out of bed, stood up, and walked this morning, for crying out loud :) If only life were still that simple.

Anyway, still no [new] job for me. I'm starting new projects at the current job, and we'll see how that goes for now. Boss-man Dan made some calls for me today, so perhaps that will turn into something. Andrea G is also being RIDICULOUSLY helpful. She rocks. Speaking of, I get to see her and her beau this weekend! Yay! Florida better cooperate and be sunny and nice.

If you want to see Owen roll over (and I know you do), click here.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

From here on out...

I keep everything to myself. Regarding the job search, that is. I found out today I did not get the job with CDC, which I thought was almost a sure thing. That makes me feel.... foolish, for lack of a better word (and several other, not so nice/blog inappropriate words). So far I've mentioned the possibility of two jobs to the world, and gotten neither, making me feel like a huge loser, so from here on out, no one gets to know what I'm applying for. Then, when I don't get it (as is bound to be the case, evidently), no one knows but me. Hah.

Now that I've decided I most definitely do not want to stay in Gainesville, I have the choice to do just that AND no one else wants me. Arrrggh!

Monday, June 18, 2007

The best Tuesday ever.

I'm going to the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow. Are you?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Since it's been awhile...

I think a random post is in order.

It's hot here again. Really, really hot. Tennis on Sunday resulted in me being the sweatiest I've ever been. It was yucky. The upside of the heat is that the daily thunderstorms have started again.

Lately I really dislike being an adult. I know there are great things about it, but it's been awhile since I reaped those benefits. In the meantime I have stupid, ongoing job-related stress. It would be so much easier if there weren't bills to pay.

Boss-man Dan is leaving for his new job tomorrow. I said goodbye to his family yesterday and am going to miss them more than I realized.

I had an interview with the National Institutes of Health today. I feel big time just saying that.

I really, really dislike the job search/apply/interview system our society has created. How does anyone find the "right" job for them? I am envious of ko's life of leisure.

I wish Andrea G hadn't introduced me to Chipotle.

There are less than 10 calls to make on my current project. Praise be to whoever for that.

I saw "Surf's Up" yesterday... and liked it.

Owen is almost 2.5 months old. I love him.

My doctor misplaced the results of my annual exam and tried to get me to re-do it this week. Good times. I also started the HPV vaccine series at that appointment; "I want to be one less".

Reading the blogs has changed significantly with the departure of Mrs. Brooke. While I understand her reasoning, I am disappointed nonetheless.

There is lots of thunder in G'ville right now.

Should I stay here for a job I don't want?

My friend McK recommended the Janet Evanovich series awhile back; I started it a few weeks ago and am hooked. The problem is that they only take me about four hours to read, so I finished all that are in paper back and am waiting until the 19th for the next release. Stephanie Plum is a funny gal.

I've been recruited for the next season of co-ed softball. Hooray!

Today would have been a Mt. Dew day. Stupid giving up soda.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Pictures!! It's about freakin time.

Pre-graduation in Maryland - we're super cute, no?

Owen and Papa Bear.

Owen: happiest on the changing table.

They REALLY wish they could go outside.

Jack and Rex: they like to spoon. But really, who doesn't?

Portland. Oh how I love you.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Drumroll, please...

I'm moving.

While I may not know when or to where, for that matter, I know a move is in my near future (sometime in July). Boss-man Dan officially resigned today, meaning in 45 days I will be out of work. I've known this was approaching for over a month, and it's been horrible to have to keep it from some of the people I am close to. All that ends today, though, with his resignation; from here on out, I will be blogging away about the many applications, cover letters, and CVs I send out. I am so sick of this process!

As of today I have two decent leads:

1) Adolescent Immunization Outreach Coordinator for the state of Washington (in Olympia), and
2) Surveillance Epidemiologist with the CDC (in Atlanta).

The Washington job is my top choice - I interviewed with them yesterday, so keep your finders crossed for me. The CDC job is moving along - today I was asked if I would "seriously consider" the position if it was offered. Too much pressure!

Anyway, this is not as exciting as becoming a foster parent, I realize, but it is the main issue in my life right now, so get ready to hear all about it.

On another note, moving in 45 days means <45 more nights listening to #12. I hate him. And her. I was seriously tempted to scream at them earlier in the week. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I miss Owen.

Alas, my jaunt to Portland has come to an end. I miss Owen already. And Travis and Ashley, too, I guess :)

I believe I completed everything on my list (and more!), so the trip was a success. Owen and Amelia are both doing well; they are very close in age, but so different. Ahh, the power of genetics. Travis and Ashley (and Laura and Aaron) seem to be naturals at this parenting thing. I am in awe of their resilience to heart-breaking crying. Owen's gasps for air mid-scream (and pouty face and lone tears) are too much for me. I cave! I'll give you whatever you want! Just stop with the pouty face!

I was able to spend a little bit of time with Andrea B and JB, which was very nice. Too brief, but nice.

I must say, while I may be a bit biased, Owen is darn cute. I have a couple of pictures that I'll try to post this evening, but envision I will get more from my mom, who took quite a few Saturday/Sunday.

I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Brooke and say that there is something big going on with me (you may have caught me alluding to this recently); for those of you who don't yet know, I will make an official announcement soon. The saga that is my life continues :)

I'm back!