Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wisconsin: an update.

Me and Wisconsin: bullet-style.
  • Weather here = weird.
  • A 10 year old gave me what appeared to be a gang/"bring it" symbol in the Wal-mart parking lot yesterday. I remain perplexed.
  • Owen as superbaby.... ridiculously cute.
  • Dating = fun. Who knew?
  • I'm boycotting the Y this week. Maybe if I REALLY miss working out, I'll enjoy it there? I have classes there starting next week - cross your fingers they're fun (but really, how can Latin Dance not be fun?).
  • I miss people I know. Props to you guys.
  • The knee still sucks - next update 11/5.
  • Work remains good (hooray!). I am the lead person at our site on some studies. Fun for me.
  • Why is it that new cars can't have their oil changed at oil change places? Anyone?
  • The Packers are 5-1.
  • Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches are my new favorite thing. Yum.
  • I really like my apartment. Too bad it and my job are in MF.
  • If the curb is painted yellow at the corner of the block, wouldn't you assume you can park in the middle of the block? Yeah... tell that to the MF PD.
  • Ashley is really hard to get ahold of.
  • I am still in the market for a coat. Do you think I'll hate it if I order something online?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Autumn at last!

Today is a perfect fall day; the sky here is the blue that only shows itself in the fall and the leaves are all changing. Hooray for vivid oranges and reds!

This is my favorite season, and I am so happy to be able to partake in it once again. Tennis year round may be fun (thank you, FL), but I missed seasons so much! Supposedly, some neighborhoods here go all out for Halloween - I can't wait! If I'm this happy now, I can't wait to see what I feel like once I realize it will be cold/snowy for Christmas! However, once Christmas is over and it hits me that it will be [ridiculously] cold/snowy for months, my tune may change.

My parents started the journey east this morning - I bet they will get to see all kinds of fall splendor as they drive through Idaho, Montana, ND, and Minnesota. While it's not New England, I'm sure it will be pretty beautiful.


Update: work = fun again. Hooray!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I am a bad blogger.

There is no excuse; I am simply a bad blogger at times. It's not like I don't have any extra time - I know a total of 4 people here! I don't do anything! Perhaps I haven't blogged because I don't have anything meaningful to say? I'm not quite sure. Anyway, I am alive and well, and in Wisconsin.

Let's recap:

Started work. So much orientation, so much of it not applicable to my job. There should be a separate orientation process for research foundation employees (as opposed to clinic employees)... I don't normally encounter blood-borne pathogens while reading articles.

Started "real" work. So far, so good. So many vaccine studies all going on at once! Will I ever feel like I know what's going on? It's a tough call.

Went to DC/Maryland. Hooray for Andrea G! Hooray for Eric! Hooray for weddings! I definitely needed some quality friend time, and that's what I got - and I got to put my surprisingly decent wedding planning skills to use.

Went back to work. It is very difficult to read articles about miscarriage all day, then want to go back to work the next day and do it again. Trust me. Even with this little setback in work fun-ness, this job still sooo beats my last one (sorry, Ness).

Weekends... I am such a loser. I saw "The Game Plan" on Friday. Not even kidding. Not my fault, coach - the only people I know have a 5 year old. We figured this was probably more appropriate than "The Kingdom". Way to go, us. FYI: The Rock is a freakishly large man.

Random updates:

My knee sucks. Big time. So does United Healthcare (now that I live in Wisconsin, anyway). Goodbye, United starting this week! Hooray! Anyway, the knee is crunchier and more painful then ever. I get to go to the doctor next week and I'm pretty sure I might get to have surgery. I've never even been admitted to the hospital! Slightly scary, but I'm sure it will be fine. I'll keep you posted (well, I'll try).

I watched the Gator game on TV last night and almost cried. I miss knowing people.

I made artwork last night; it's fun splatter-paint on canvas. I think I missed my calling.

My parents are coming to visit me next week! I hope they don't kill each other on the way here. Cross your fingers.

The MF YMCA, while definitely no GHF, is no Walla Walla YMCA. I really wish there was a good gym here. I'm going to suck it up and sign up for some classes, though - maybe that will help? They all cost extra here (not a lot, but still!), which I think is odd. Have I always been spoiled? Classes have always been included in the membership prices at all the gyms I've gone to.

I made cookies today for a bake sale at work. They're pumpkin shaped with harvest sprinkles. They make me happy.

That I have a league is becoming more apparent every day. I may be alone forever.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I need a hammer, among other things.

So I guess in the past I've bought "easy" Ikea projects, because I cannot remember needing a hammer during assembly (Let alone a drill. A drill? Seriously? Come on, Ikea - if I wanted to have to use a drill I'd buy real furniture!.). Alas, I do not have a hammer at my disposal (because the majority of my things remain in transit and I was not intelligent enough to pack my tools in the car). This is disappointing, as I have two pieces of furniture that I would very much like to assemble. When you have an apartment without furniture, the prospect of a bookshelf and dresser is quite exciting.

But anyway, as you surely must have gathered, I now live in Wisconsin. I left G'ville last Friday afternoon (so sad!), stayed outside Altanta that night, drove to Paducah KY Saturday (yep, Paducah), then drove to Madison on Sunday. Sidebar: Madison appears to be a fantastic city; the "where should you live" online quiz people did an impressive job choosing it for me awhile back. So after 1.5 days in Madison I dove the last [v short] leg to MF (hee hee) on Tuesday. The apartment is good (but barren), MF is good (but lonely). Carol left yesterday, so I've only had one real day on my own so far. Already, though, so excited for work. I forgot what the first period in G'ville felt like, before I had met anyone. While I love the cats, I need human interaction.

Moving is an expensive task (especially when it's 1400 miles). Forget the cost of movers and the associated travel costs, I feel like I can't stop spending now that I am here. You need a lot of random crap when you start in a new place. Food, cleaning stuff, additional furniture, miscellaneous decorative items (okay, "need" may have been a stretch, but still). Things should calm down soon, unless the arrival of my furniture (maybe tomorrow!) initiates another spending frenzy.

In order to feel like a true MF resident I joined the library and the Y last week. Today was my first real Y experience. I miss GHF.

I'll close with some random roadtrip tid bits.

- Central Illinois is not messing around when it comes to corn. Holy crap.
- I love Jack, but seriously considered life without him after 7 straight hours of meowing. Okay, not really, but it was super annoying.
- Once you pass Nashville, you can't look back.
- Georgia (and Florida, actually) should really rethink it's policy on billboards next to the freeways. I feel like the state sold its soul.
- Paducah: funny name, super popular Labor day spot.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Realization of the week, take 2.

I realized today that my new homeland will also be MF. Not M-F, mind you, but pretty darn close. It was a startling revelation. Perhaps it was meant to be? So from here on out I will be using "MF" a lot in my posts - do not be confused!

I am still uncertain as to the day of departure from G'ville. This gets a lot of good reactions when people ask when I'm leaving. "How can you not know? It's this week!" for example. Not my fault, folks, not my fault. I called my movers again today (this end and the WI end), but they "still don't have confirmation". What the heck does that mean? So I could say goodbye to my possessions as soon as Thursday (or as late as Saturday)... so sad. So I'll probably leave Saturday. Or Friday afternoon. Or Sunday. One of those, for sure.

I almost cried when I left the gym last night (for the last time). I am a huge loser. My trainer-friend was also very sad, if that makes it less ridiculous. Goodbye, GHF!

Tomorrow is my last day in the office! Good thing, since I haven't packed (that also gets a lot of good reactions). I don't have that much stuff, though. I have one more project to complete, and then I'm done! Goodbye, EHPR/ICHP!

Sometimes I think I could communicate solely via acronyms. JHSPH did it to me.

On a more fun note, I had a FANTASTIC weekend! While I discovered I cannot survive on back-to-back nights of less than 4 hours of sleep (without sleeping for 15 hours the next night - oops), it was such a great time! AFG was super surprised by the shower and very happy to see me (I am a pleasant surprise as well, it seems). The 24 hours flew by (as they tend to do when you fly somewhere for 24 hours), but here's what I managed to fit in: a bridal shower, a dress pick-up, tons of card playing, random romance, so much 270,
and miscellaneous fun.

I have decided I need to work on my blogging post-move. I'll try, I really will. The down side to moving every year is having friends scattered throughout the country (I guess that's a perk, too, if you enjoy flying as much as I do). I only have one more trip planned at the moment - hooray for the wedding!! Sept 19-23, suburban MD, here I come... again.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I wanna be, I wanna be like... ko.

  • I'm moving to Wisconsin. Next week. My mom arrives in FL a week from tomorrow!
  • I love road trips. Road trips with cats, however, are very different.
  • Boys suck. Men, too.
  • I should move more often - there are free meals galore the last few weeks you live somewhere.
  • VLM is very funny during interviews with adolescents; she makes me chuckle. She's almost funny enough to make transcription fun. Almost.
  • I will miss Tennis Mike. And PT Mike. And several other Mikes. Okay - only one other Mike. It's funny (and slightly wonderful?) how random people in your life make such a statement.
  • It would have been more fun if cute PT student had been working with me over the last few weeks, and not just this week. I guess our stars were not in line?
  • Using movers is supposed to be convenient, but the unknowns are too many for my liking.
  • Owen = super cute.
  • That's all.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A list!

I can't come up with anything worthwhile to blog about; when in doubt, create a list.

Strange things that I happen to like

1. Brussels sprouts
2. The smell of the freezer (I actually used to love stocking frozen items at the store because it meant I got to hang out in the walk-in freezer. Odd, no?)
3. "Bartender"
4. Chewing ice (this one is definitely my dad's fault)
5. Vacuuming

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I know, I know.

I am, at times, a bad blogger. I get caught up in things like work and forget about my blogging obligations. To all of you reading this: I apologize. This post will have to be a catch-up grab-bag, so I apologize if there is a lack of continuity.

I went to Wisconsin; it was pretty and fantastic. Then I came home (it's pretty here, too).

I went to Tampa, whose prettiness is somewhat hit or miss. I, unfortunately, was not in the pretty parts. Trailor parks are fun too, though. I drove by Busch Gardens and watched Sheikra drop; I was this (thumb and pointer finger very close together) close to quitting my job and hanging out there for the day instead. Then I came home again.

While I was in Tampa I found out that I got the job in Wisconsin (hooray!). So yes, I am moving to Wisconsin (and soon!); my first day at work will be 9/10 (because KKMB and I really are living one life). I am very, very excited.

I haven't told my guy friend (or boss, actually) that I am leaving yet. I am not looking forward to this. I think Carol is going to come drive with me and the boys to the great Midwest; should we do it in two days, or three? I'm leaning toward two - it's only 22 hours, right?

I cannot wait to talk to rtrax about Wisconsin; perhaps she will come visit me? :)

The b-man is up to his old tricks. How is it that I loved him?

I miss Owen.

I cancelled my membership with GHF this week. It was very, very sad. I will be returning to the Y, though, so perhaps it will be okay?

I may be planning more weekend getaways (more to come on that later).

This week I heard that there is Halloween candy in the stores. KKMB and I are very confused by this; it is 2.5+ months until the holiday, right? Marshfield supposedly goes all out for Halloween - I can't wait. I AM SO EXCITED TO LIVE SOMEWHERE WITH SEASONS AGAIN!

Baking makes me happy. So, oddly enough, does T-Pain.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Middle of nowhere Wisconsin, here I come!

Hooray! It's nearly the end of my two-day work-week, as I am off to Wisconsin in the morning. Hooray for air travel! How I love those airplane snacks and miniature drink cups! Also exciting is that I get to travel through Detroit, an airport I have never before flown through. I am oddly excited about this.... good thing I already admitted that I'm a big nerd, eh?

Those who are overly interested in my trip/the organization I am interviewing with should click here. If you're interested in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (and I know you are!), click here.

I'll be back Monday - have a good week/weekend!

Pardon me while I vent.

I have been especially irritable for the past few days (okay, maybe even longer than that). In honor of my irritation, I have decided to create a list. It's been so long since I've done a list!

[Drum roll...]

My top 5 current pet peeves (disclaimer: order may fluctuate daily)

1. Bad drivers. I especially despise those who 1) drive dangerously slow for no apparent reason, 2) Almost hit me when changing lanes and never even realize it / are completely oblivious to their surrounding environment, 3) are discourteous. That was a list within a list!

2. The lack of common sense (enough said).

3. Mixed signals. Professionally, personally, whatever - let's be forthcoming, people!

4. Being ma'am-ed. A wave of euphoria hit me last night (while getting food and being called ma'am literally 9 times by a guy who was probably 21) when I realized that I may leave the South (aka "the land of ma'am-ing") soon. It still makes me feel like I am 40. I AM NOT 40!

5. I've decided to leave this spot vacant for the time being; it's still early in the day.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The truth comes out.

I am secretly a big nerd.

I read Harry Potter this weekend (well, technically just on Saturday), after I bought it at midnight on Friday. Well, I actually bought it at 1:20am, since there were 500+ people in front of me in line at the G'ville Barnes & Noble. At least I'm not the only nerd, right? Finishing it quickly was both good and bad; on one hand, I felt super cool to be "in the know" on Sunday (and today, I suppose). On the other hand, no one else that I know has finished it, so I can't actually talk about it (not to mention that the finality of the series being over is somewhat devastating). Anyway, the Harry Potter series has come to an end; I did actually enjoy the final book (it may even be may favorite) and thought it was a fitting finale for the series - well done J.K.

Anyone who wants to know how is ends - I'm your girl.

Job search update, take 47.

I continue to search for employment.

The process is quite exhausting/frustrating/painful/etc. Never in my life have I been rejected this many times; it really is quite bad for my self-esteem. I've had several (okay, more than several) interviews - hooray for me! - but zero job offers. Boo, me! Most recently I interviewed with a private company in Maryland (not in Baltimore, don't you worry)... haven't heard anything yet. I just want to find an organization that will expedite the process along (and offer me something, but that might be too much to ask). Next week I am travelling to Wisconsin (yes, you read correctly: Wisconsin) for yet another interview. This one is round two, and I know there are limited candidates left, so I have to have a decent shot at it. You'd think, anyway. The bigger question may be, however, do I want to live in Wisconsin? Not Madison or Milwaukee, mind you, but Central-middle-of-nowhere-Wisconsin. I think I will actually enjoy the town, but will it be a good move for my social life right now? I am leaning toward the conclusion that I may need to toss my social life aside for the betterment of my career (at least for the time being). I may be jumping the gun in this debate, as I don't have the job yet, but it sounds PERFECT! Literally perfect! S cross your fingers for me next week and I'll try to not screw up, as evidently I've been doing in all the previous interviews. Perhaps I need to mock interview with someone? On a positive note, I get to wear my suit again - I feel so adult when I put it on.... almost like a costume.

Enough about this. Stupid job search.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Per your request...

Here (s)he is! What do we think: boy or girl? Any name suggestions?

While I did steal this particular pic off the internet, it looks an awful lot like it would if I took a photo myself. So cute, no?

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I saw a hooker last night. In Gainesville. Best part? She was a middle-aged woman and wearing a fanny pack. It was freakin hilarious.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blogger won't let me title this post. Tricky.

The past few days have been such a whirlwind that it's actually been nice to be back at work and feel settled. Those of you who know how I feel about work can ponder the magnitude of that sentence.

Here's [most of] what's happening with me:

Tuesday I took Jetta to the VW doctor and discovered she needed repairs that would cost more that half of her value. I'd already been thinking about upgrading to something more reliable, and this was just the motivation I needed. My tennis class was cancelled that night (stupid rain), so I took it as a sign to go look at cars. I had a very enjoyable experience (feel free to smile at this one, some of you) at Mazda, and was made an offer decent enough to take, so I went home with a new car! Hooray! I LOVE my new car! It's a 2007 Mazda3 (in silver).

Wednesday was the 4th, and I celebrated with some of the gang here - hooray for Michael's cooking!

Thursday I signed the last of my soul over to Mazda, had a job interview (for a job I didn't actually want), then left for Pensacola. My gym/tennis buddy was in a tournament, and I went along in manager/cheerleader capacity. The weather was fantastic - we spent time watching tennis, at the beach, playing mini-golf, and eating out... what a great weekend, no? I decided I need to start spending more time at the tennis center here - some of those boys were ridiculously cute. I drove, so the new car has almost 1000 miles already!

Yesterday I was out of town for work (more time in the car - hooray!), so it's nice to know I get to spend some quality time at home tonight (post-tennis, of course).

I had another interview today (for a job I actually want, thank goodness) - I'll let everyone know once I hear something this week. The job sounds perfect, but is perhaps not ideally located :)

I may be going to DC next week (hooray for airplanes!) - my life is crazy, no?


Owen is on his first real vacation right now - I can't wait to see pictures of him at the beach!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Goodbye Jetta, hello Mazda!

I got a new car! There was a very sudden decision to upgrade from Jetta earlier in the week; everything worked out well and I went home with a new car Tuesday night. Hooray! More details later - I'm going on vacation this afternoon! Pensacola, here I come.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Owen can roll over.

I very much enjoy the simplicity of baby milestones. We should continue to congratulate ourselves for small accomplishments (not to say that rolling over was a small accomplishment for Owen - I'm so proud of him!). But really, I think as a society we are too critical of ourselves (not to say that there aren't some out there, however, who could benefit from a little criticism). Okay, maybe it's just that I am being too hard on myself. Lately I seem to be dwelling on all that is wrong with my life at the moment and not appreciating how far I've come. I mean, I rolled over, got out of bed, stood up, and walked this morning, for crying out loud :) If only life were still that simple.

Anyway, still no [new] job for me. I'm starting new projects at the current job, and we'll see how that goes for now. Boss-man Dan made some calls for me today, so perhaps that will turn into something. Andrea G is also being RIDICULOUSLY helpful. She rocks. Speaking of, I get to see her and her beau this weekend! Yay! Florida better cooperate and be sunny and nice.

If you want to see Owen roll over (and I know you do), click here.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

From here on out...

I keep everything to myself. Regarding the job search, that is. I found out today I did not get the job with CDC, which I thought was almost a sure thing. That makes me feel.... foolish, for lack of a better word (and several other, not so nice/blog inappropriate words). So far I've mentioned the possibility of two jobs to the world, and gotten neither, making me feel like a huge loser, so from here on out, no one gets to know what I'm applying for. Then, when I don't get it (as is bound to be the case, evidently), no one knows but me. Hah.

Now that I've decided I most definitely do not want to stay in Gainesville, I have the choice to do just that AND no one else wants me. Arrrggh!

Monday, June 18, 2007

The best Tuesday ever.

I'm going to the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow. Are you?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Since it's been awhile...

I think a random post is in order.

It's hot here again. Really, really hot. Tennis on Sunday resulted in me being the sweatiest I've ever been. It was yucky. The upside of the heat is that the daily thunderstorms have started again.

Lately I really dislike being an adult. I know there are great things about it, but it's been awhile since I reaped those benefits. In the meantime I have stupid, ongoing job-related stress. It would be so much easier if there weren't bills to pay.

Boss-man Dan is leaving for his new job tomorrow. I said goodbye to his family yesterday and am going to miss them more than I realized.

I had an interview with the National Institutes of Health today. I feel big time just saying that.

I really, really dislike the job search/apply/interview system our society has created. How does anyone find the "right" job for them? I am envious of ko's life of leisure.

I wish Andrea G hadn't introduced me to Chipotle.

There are less than 10 calls to make on my current project. Praise be to whoever for that.

I saw "Surf's Up" yesterday... and liked it.

Owen is almost 2.5 months old. I love him.

My doctor misplaced the results of my annual exam and tried to get me to re-do it this week. Good times. I also started the HPV vaccine series at that appointment; "I want to be one less".

Reading the blogs has changed significantly with the departure of Mrs. Brooke. While I understand her reasoning, I am disappointed nonetheless.

There is lots of thunder in G'ville right now.

Should I stay here for a job I don't want?

My friend McK recommended the Janet Evanovich series awhile back; I started it a few weeks ago and am hooked. The problem is that they only take me about four hours to read, so I finished all that are in paper back and am waiting until the 19th for the next release. Stephanie Plum is a funny gal.

I've been recruited for the next season of co-ed softball. Hooray!

Today would have been a Mt. Dew day. Stupid giving up soda.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Pictures!! It's about freakin time.

Pre-graduation in Maryland - we're super cute, no?

Owen and Papa Bear.

Owen: happiest on the changing table.

They REALLY wish they could go outside.

Jack and Rex: they like to spoon. But really, who doesn't?

Portland. Oh how I love you.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Drumroll, please...

I'm moving.

While I may not know when or to where, for that matter, I know a move is in my near future (sometime in July). Boss-man Dan officially resigned today, meaning in 45 days I will be out of work. I've known this was approaching for over a month, and it's been horrible to have to keep it from some of the people I am close to. All that ends today, though, with his resignation; from here on out, I will be blogging away about the many applications, cover letters, and CVs I send out. I am so sick of this process!

As of today I have two decent leads:

1) Adolescent Immunization Outreach Coordinator for the state of Washington (in Olympia), and
2) Surveillance Epidemiologist with the CDC (in Atlanta).

The Washington job is my top choice - I interviewed with them yesterday, so keep your finders crossed for me. The CDC job is moving along - today I was asked if I would "seriously consider" the position if it was offered. Too much pressure!

Anyway, this is not as exciting as becoming a foster parent, I realize, but it is the main issue in my life right now, so get ready to hear all about it.

On another note, moving in 45 days means <45 more nights listening to #12. I hate him. And her. I was seriously tempted to scream at them earlier in the week. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I miss Owen.

Alas, my jaunt to Portland has come to an end. I miss Owen already. And Travis and Ashley, too, I guess :)

I believe I completed everything on my list (and more!), so the trip was a success. Owen and Amelia are both doing well; they are very close in age, but so different. Ahh, the power of genetics. Travis and Ashley (and Laura and Aaron) seem to be naturals at this parenting thing. I am in awe of their resilience to heart-breaking crying. Owen's gasps for air mid-scream (and pouty face and lone tears) are too much for me. I cave! I'll give you whatever you want! Just stop with the pouty face!

I was able to spend a little bit of time with Andrea B and JB, which was very nice. Too brief, but nice.

I must say, while I may be a bit biased, Owen is darn cute. I have a couple of pictures that I'll try to post this evening, but envision I will get more from my mom, who took quite a few Saturday/Sunday.

I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Brooke and say that there is something big going on with me (you may have caught me alluding to this recently); for those of you who don't yet know, I will make an official announcement soon. The saga that is my life continues :)

I'm back!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Me + PDX = Hooray!

I get to meet Owen tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm not excited about being at the airport by 5:00 am (MLB - you're the best), but I am excited that I don't have to drive to JAX.

I've decided to honor the occasion by compiling a list (again, I love lists).

Things I plan to do while in Oregon (aka Land that I Love):

1. Hold Owen. A lot.
2. Meet Amelia. (
3. Catch up with Andrea B and Juilene.
4. Rock Travis at tennis.
5. See Mom & Dad - I suppose they deserve a spot on the list.
6. Not worry about work/life circumstances.

All in all, a pretty good time - no?

I'm still waiting on graduation pictures (Andrea #1 - that's you), but when I get some, I'll post them. I promise to take Owen/Amelia pics, though, so don't you worry!

I love the PNW!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Realization of the week.

All of a sudden, Gainesville feels a bit more like home. I had a fantastic time with Andrea #1 last week, and was very sad at the prospect of leaving (I heart her). However, upon returning to G'ville I stopped at a birthday shin-dig and made an amazing realization; the whole gang was there and when I arrived, I realized I was so, so happy to see them! I now feel completely at ease with the group here (good timing, no?) and, so it may seem, even miss them when I go out of town. Hooray for finding people I like :)

I still find myself in that weird in-between place of not knowing where "home" is. Is M-F home? I haven't actually lived there in 7 years, so that seems a bit far fetched. Gainesville seems temporary, no matter how much I currently enjoy it, so it doesn't feel right to say this is "home" either. Am I homeless? Baltimore, no matter how sucky, felt like home because I was there with someone else, so new single-Steph feels homeless (though I do have the cats...).

The next place I find myself needs to be home - at least for awhile - so I'm going to go out of my way to make it feel like that from the start. I've got the furniture and the cats, so what more do I really need?

# 12 has been out of town.

But he's back now. Loud and clear, he's back. Stupid neighbor sex.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

We did it!

I graduated! It was such a great day, and so nice to see everyone (that's you rtrax and buzz!). It was good to be in Baltimore under positive light, though I still hate it :)

I'll post pictures when I'm back in G'ville... if you're lucky there will be some cleavage shots.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Out of the office replies.

I can't decide how I feel about auto-"out of the office" messages. They seem like a good idea, in theory, but I often send many messages to the same people, and if they have one set, I will get many in return. This comes up because I need to decide if I should use one myself. I feel like everyone I correspond with knows I will be gone, so what's the point? But what if I'm wrong, and then I just don't respond to someone for a week and feel badly about it next week? Tough call, no? Anyway, I will be gone for the rest of the week! Hooray! I wish I could find a job in which I only had to work one day a week; I think that would be ideal. Knowing that I would be out for the rest of the week, today has been fantastic!

Graduation is Wednesday, and I'll be wearing my new dress! I tried to find it on the BR website, but to no avail. Sorry, folks. I will have andrea #1 take some photos and post upon my return.

I hope everyone has a great week!

1988 flashback.

The last two Saturdays there has been a middle-aged-ish blonde woman with a side-pony at the gym. I'm not even kidding. I had visions of Mrs. Agidius from 2nd grade... it was a bit frightening.

We are the champions... of the world.

Okay, not really of the world, but of the Gainesville co-ed adult softball league... spring 2007, anyway. Way to go, Gator Aluminum! I was told we'll be getting championship t-shirts. I'm pretty excited about it.

Friday, May 11, 2007

This week's randomness.

I am not good with secrets. While I may keep them, I do not enjoy it.

I am sick of stress. It hasn't been a great year for me. I think I am entiteld to one stress-free year at some point in the future.

I really, really want to meet/hold Owen. If it wouldn't be irritating to those reading this, I would have added a lot more "really"s - hopefully you understand.

I have mixed feelings about next week. While super excited about seeing andrea #1, rtrax, and buzz, the thought of face time with the b-man invokes nausea (and bad dreams all week).

I am starting all sentences with "I" this entry. I think this may be a sign that I am feeling a bit self-centered today. I'm going to keep it up, for consistency sake.

I have to make some phone calls, but the people aren't in yet. I feel guilty for blogging, but literally cannot do my work - tough spot.

I really like tennis; I learned how to slice the ball this week.

I hope Mrs. Brooke had a good birthday, ash isn't too bored today, and ko's boss is nice to her (but if he isn't, don't sush him!). I wish andrea #2 and rtrax would blog some more.

I made it.

I started the week somewhat apprehensive. I wasn't actually sure that I could make it through five days, but Friday has arrived! I have persevered! Last week I decided that I couldn't take it anymore, and that to preserve what was left of my sanity I needed to take Thursday and Friday off. It was wonderful. This, however, had the unfortunate consequence of making this week seem ridiculously long. Now common knowledge, I do not like my job. I truly enjoy my supervisor, but he's recently been gone a lot and my latest task is the yucky combination of not-so-challenging + not-so-fun + frustrating. Not a good combo. Thus, I am having some issues with my motivation. I'm hoping that once this task is complete I will move on to something more enjoyable (perhaps more sex surveys?). The week is almost over, though, and next week I will only be working Monday and Tuesday (look out Baltimore/DC, here I come!).

In honor of ko, who has recently been loving the lists (and disliking her job), I've decided to make one regarding my future employment.

Things I would like in a job:

1. Co-workers/team environment
2. Passion-invoking work/topic/area
3. Human interaction
4. Not 100% computer/cubicle based
5. Challenging/Masters skills required

That's a good start.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


The championship game has been pushed up to this Friday! I can play (now we actually have a chance... hee hee)! NE Park @ 8:00 (if we lose that game we play again right after). Yay!

Monday, May 07, 2007

I could be a commercial.

Fun black heels: $22

Super-flattering, ridiculously cute dress: $128

Instant self-confidence: priceless

I found a dress! I hope it's worth it :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stephanie: A much-needed update.

Yeah, yeah, I know; I've been missing for awhile. Sorry, folks... my blogging enthusiasm seems to ebb and flow. Nice science terminology, no? Here's what's happening with me:

I still love the gym. Seriously. I really do. If only you could tell by looking at me. Tricky. I think the problem is that I also love cookies. Oh well.

I gave up soda. I know - I used to keep Mt. Dew in production, but alas, those days are over. It's been maybe 6 weeks or so and all's well so far. I have cheated and had one (and one only) the last two weekends. But really, sooo much better that 1-2 per day, no?

I rock at tennis. Okay, so that may be an exaggeration, but I'm definitely decent. The group I play with has improved so much! Way to go, us! How will I survive in a non-Florida climate when I can't play year-round??

I'm gearing up for convocation. Is convocation just a fancy word for graduation? Is commencement just another synonym? Why do we have so many words that just mean the same thing? Anyway, 2.5 weeks to go. I plan to find a dress this weekend. I bought a fun black dress a few weeks ago (For our Bond party, if you must know. And by the way, I am such a hot Bond girl!), but it's perhaps a little too risqué for the ceremony. Post-ceremony parties, however, are another matter altogether.

I can't wait to do fun wedding planning with Andrea (in the days following graduation)!! We've been looking at bridesmaids dresses the last few weeks - I can't wait until September [22nd]!

Owen is 4 weeks old today. How did that happen? His parents finally appeased us (out here in the blogging world) with some video footage - I have the cutest nephew EVER. I get to meet him in 28 days and 22 hours (not that I'm counting or anything).

I don't like my job. It was a powerful realization that hit me recently. I do love boss-man dan, but the work I do.... not so much. There's work stuff going on (fate, perhaps?), but that's a whole different entry (perhaps soon, though).

My softball team won our first playoff game! We play the #1 seed Friday night (we beat them in the "regular season", so hopefully we can pull it out). If we lose Friday we have a double header. It's been a long, long time since I've played that much softball in one day. On this note, I still cannot hit [well]. It's SLOW PITCH, for pete's sake. I just can't seem to get the timing down. I thought it was just because I've only hit fast pitch, but you'd think that 7-8 games into the season I would have figured it out. I feel like such an idiot.Oh well, at least I contribute during the defensive portions of the game.

We might be having a "game night" this weekend. I know it can't possibly compare to "game night at the Irving's", but it might be pretty good nonetheless. Cranium, anyone?

Grey's Anatomy 2 hour event tomorrow night. Everyone's invited to my house :)

I think I might take Friday off. Stupid work.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Input requested.

What does one wear to her convocation ceremony? Does this perhaps warrant the purchase of a new dress?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Q-tip fetish!

How could I forget the q-tip fetish?? Basically the whole reason behind the cat tribute, and I managed to leave it out! Silly me.

Anyway, Rex loves q-tips. LOVES EM. For example, he stalks me as I use them. He knows where I keep them and will open sliding drawers to get to them (and take them out of the carton himself). I can't leave used ones in the garbage can because he will knock it over and dig through it to find them. Once he has one, he'll bat it around, take it downstairs (in his mouth), bat it around some more, then put it in his food dish (for safe keeping?). He's a crazy, crazy cat.

I love him. But I'm still not a crazy cat lady.

Dear Owen,

Hi. This is your Aunt Stephanie. Could you please tell your parents that they should break out the video camera? Or at least take more photos? People outside of the Portland metro area are very curious about what you're up to.

Be good - let your parents sleep a little.



Thursday, April 19, 2007

A tribute

... to the cats.

I must preface this with: I AM NOT A CRAZY CAT LADY :) While I do enjoy most cats, and find most kittens quite adorable, I really only love MY cats (sorry, all you cats reading this). But I will admit, I am crazy about my cats. What can I say? They're pretty terrific. And so, a blog entry dedicated solely to them is long overdue.

First off, my cats (better known as Jack and Rex) are color-coordinating litter-mates and the best of friends. The sort of friends that will lick your private parts when necessary (I am not that sort of friend - sorry). Most importantly, they are quirky, quirky cats. For proof, see below.


- must sniff the face of anyone who comes through my front door. It's imperative.

- will hunt insects on command. Seriously.

- continues to think that if he scratches at the glass door long enough, he'll break through and get to go after the lizards.

- has a bedtime and morning routine. Not even joking.

- is a regular-sized adult cat, but still really, really enjoys sitting on my [left] shoulder. Always the left, never the right.

- really likes the smell of guys' shoes. Enough so to stick his whole head in and roll around.


- has dandruff. Kind of cute, kind of gross.

- has slept on my pillow since he was a kitten. He does not sleep on the pillow during the day - only when my head is
also there. On a related note, he will come running for my lap if I place a pillow on it, but will not sit on my lap otherwise. Interesting, no?

- huddles near me at the vet's office.

Jack and Rex:

- meet me at the door when I come home. Almost every time.

- sleep on the floor on their backs with their feet in the air.

- groom each other (see intro). Also, enjoy going from friendly grooming to all-out [play] warfare in the blink of an eye.

- both enjoy following me from room to room.

- are fantastic (so, so glad I won custody).

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I wish: it was 5; that decent housing in G'ville didn't cost so much; the U.S. would implement a mandatory 35 hour work week; my student loans didn't exist; I had a date lined up for Saturday.

I want: to hold Owen.

I feel: fortunate to have never been personally affected by random violence.

I need: to be close to my friends and family soon; a new apartment (with non-sexaholic neigbors); new running shoes.

I enjoy: tennis, GH&F, the company of others.

I love: quizno's; the PNW; that Jack & Rex sleep with me.

I miss: the old M; my mom; feeling like I had a plan.

I am: strong; okay on my own.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Here he is, in all his cuteness! I can't believe I still have to wait almost 7 weeks to hold him. Stupid living in Florida. Can we just talk about how cute he is?? Seriously.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I have a nephew!

Owen Robert has arrived! Weighing in at 7lbs5oz, he made his debut at approximately 9:oopm EST (after 25 hours of labor!). I'm still waiting for more details and photos... I can't believe there's a new person in my life!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Baby update #2.

4:00pm EST: still no baby.

Last I heard, things are "progressing"... I won't go into the details (for Ashley's sake). Perhaps in a few hours I'll have a nephew!

Baby update #1.

1:40pm EST: still no baby.

It appears Ashley's in this for the long haul.

It's baby time!!!

I'm on the verge of Aunthood! They've been at the hospital for approximately 12 hours, but I haven't heard if there's been a birth... it's awful just sitting here! I hate living in Florida! I wish I had my own jet. I think that should be my next big purchase :) Alas, I'm at work, waiting with my phone next to me for any news. I'm ridiculously excited. Hooray for Owen entering the world!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I have some work ahead of me.

But I really have North America pretty well covered, don't I? I think I need to polish off those few remaining states. Katy H? New England road trip?? Autumn splendor at it's finest??

Africa, Asia, and Europe all look so neglected... I really need to save up and go all out.

Hooray for international travel!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A sample of today's random thoughts:

1. Florida is really hot; I still cannot believe I live here.

2. Why do motorcyclists think they can drive faster then everyone else? Why do they pass you while revving their engines? How do they not get pulled over?

3. I really need to do laundry. Or buy new underwear - either way, really.

4. It's really hot outside... and it's March.

5. Is it odd that I am posting three times in one day? Oh well.

6. My job is much more fun when I have something (anything!) to do.

7. Where did boss-man dan go? He left at 10:oo, saying, "I'll be back". It's 4:00 now. Can I go home?

8. I wish I was on a baby vacation.

9. If I eat soup that probably has chicken stock in it, but just don't think about it, does that make me a bad vegetarian?

10. Afternoons at work were more fun when Mt. Dew was an option.

Travel update.

It's been almost a month since I was on a plane. Once I realized this I decided it was time to plan my next trip. I can honestly say one good think about being single is the ease of travel (specifically travel planning and expenses) - I love it. Anyway, so far here's what I have planned:

April 5-8: Dallas, TX

I get to go see Katy (and Rita, of course)! I'll take off from work on Thursday and be there all weekend - and it's Easter! Perhaps there will be an egg hunt? Easter candy? Easter baskets WITH Easter candy? I'm ridiculously "a-religious", but excited about this nonetheless. I get to meet Moony and Lucy and see where Katy lives. It's going to be fantastic!

May 15-19: Baltimore, MD/Washington DC

Graduation/Convocation! I haven't participated in a graduation-type ceremony since high school, and am sadly very excited about it. I figure that's good, since I paid $50k for the diploma. I mean... knowledge. There's a "hooding ceremony" for the doctoral students. I think that might be worth another $100k. Well, almost. I'm going to party like it's 1999 and do wedding stuff with Andrea #1. I can't wait! I'll be in Germantown, but hopefully I'll get to trek into the city to see ko & d. Hooray!

May 31-June 4: Portland, OR

I get to meet Owen! Need I say more? Yay! However, I better have access to photos and video before then - 6 weeks is a long time to wait to meet your first nephew!

So those are my plans for the next couple of months - I love traveling. I'm one of the odd few (like ko) who love airplanes and airports. However uncomfortable they may be, I love the feeling of walking off the plane and being in a new city - you can't beat it.

Brace yourselves.

It's a post about music. On my blog! Stephanie: one of the most non-musical people ever known. Seriously - it's a family trait (just ask Ashley). That being said, the time has come to bring up a few music-related issues that have been bothering me lately. I fear for the future of music. And, on a related note, society - but that's another entry.

I should preface my concerns with a little background. As we all know, I'm from M-F. M-F is not home to good radio stations, and once I was old enough to realize this I began listening to country, as that's what the majority of stations were (oh, rural farmland). Music was never big in my house - not on while we cooked/ate/cleaned; my only recollection of my parents listening to music is while they're in the car (oldies). I blame them for the fact that to this day I am unable to name well-known artists (however - I can ROCK OUT to ANY oldie). Recently, I decided I'd like to be cognizant of current "hit" music, so I have temporarily done away with country and found a ("pop"?) radio station in G'ville that I think is actually pretty good. This has been, for the most part, a good experience. I am proud to say I can sing along to Fergie, Snoop, and the All American Rejects (and many others, thank you). During the past few weeks, though, I've been a bit dismayed by some of my "hit" music revelations - please see below.

Miscellaneous concerns:

1. Lyrics in general. Do most hit songs actually have a meaning or message? I can pretty confidently say no. Also - could some of the songs get any dirtier?? Goodness. I have some specific complaints, but I'll get to those later.

2. Clothing in music videos. What are these people wearing?? I have been reintroduced to music videos through my workouts at the gym (thank you for the distraction, GH&F) and am completely perplexed by the wardrobe choices of many (otherwise okay) artists. For example, Madonna. I was surprised to look up and see Madonna clad in only a purple bodysuit/leotard the other evening. Excuse me? Another example: Gwen Stefani. Pretty sure I spied here in a sparkly hot pants suit contraption last night. Why??? Akon, on the other hand, looked completely fine in jeans and a long sleeved-shirt (though he could have gone without the "bling") - well done. Do artists feel their singing is enhanced by ridiculous attire? Do they realize that they look dumb? I find it quite distracting.

3. What's popular. This gets to the heart of the matter. A few days ago I was perusing itunes after deciding my ipod could use an update. I thought it might be helpful to check out the top 100 downloaded songs list and was DISGUSTED to discover that "This is why I'm hot" was the most popular song. SERIOUSLY? My outrage must be vented in a separate, appropriate paragraph:

Specific song concerns:

1. "This is why I'm hot" (Mims). This song irritates me enough that I spontaneously sigh when it comes on the radio. Seriously. My hand flies to the stereo at light speed to find another station. I feel I should share some lyrics (which won't be hard, since the entire song is basically one phrase):

This is why I'm Hot [2x]
This is why [2x] Uh
This is why I'm Hot (Uh)
This is why I'm Hot [2x] Whoo
This is why [2x]
This is why I'm Hot

I'm hot cuz I'm fly (fly)
You aint cuz you're not (Mims)
This is why [2x]
This is why I'm hot [2x]

Yep, #1 song in the country (it's fallen to 4 on the billboard charts - darn it!).

2. "Smack that" (Akon). The lyrics are self-explanatory:

[Chorus (2X):]
Smack that, all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, 'till you get sore
Smack that oh-oooh!

SERIOUSLY? I found myself singing along to this a few times without really listening. Once I started actually thinking about it I could not believe this is okay. Til you get sore? Wow.

SUPER FUNNY SIDENOTE: Last Saturday I awoke to #12 and his super-loud girlfriend (at 5:30am, thank you very much) going at it. She was SOO loud; I seriously considered going over later that day to congratulate him on his performance. Back to the point - I distinctly heard some ass-smacking. Yep - I got to wake up to this. But, the fact that it was all I could do to not start singing "smack that" made me laugh so hard I couldn't be mad at them. I still smile every time I think about it - thanks #12.

Anyone else concerned about pop music? Are these going to be our "oldies" later on? I can't quite envision me driving around with my grandchildren listening to Snoop, but I suppose it could happen - I'll let you know.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Have you Heard? addendum.

1. I do not read the column regularly! My mother, however, is a fan. She read it to me over the phone a few nights ago, hence the blog entry.

2. I was not careful enough in my perusing of the column yesterday! Very small town-small world update: Carol I. (and her evidently famous zucchini relish) also has a mention! Oh, M-F.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

You gotta love small towns.

Milton-Freewater has a weekly newspaper entitled The Valley Herald. For those of you unfamiliar with it, the lack of substantial newworthiness and grammatical errors make it worth reading. By far the best part of the paper is a column entitled Have you Heard? by local legend Dorothy Heard. This column epitomizes small town life. There is no actual reason for its existence, other than to allow this woman to share weekly M-F gossip with her readers. It is FANTASTIC. In addition to the subject matter, it should be noted that Dorothy cannot write well. I am not saying this to be mean, anyone who is familiar with the column will attest. The grammar/punctuation used to bother me, until I was informed that Dorothy is well into her 90's. With this revelation, I decided to give her a break. Anyway, the column is classic M-F; I am honestly careful with what I tell my father for fear that I will appear [misrepresented] in Dorothy's column. It's happened. Several times. This being said, Katy H got her first Dorothy Heard column appearance last week (silly her for talking to someone in M-F about her life)! Obviously, I have to share it with all of you. Just read it - you'll see what I mean. Remember, this is in my town newspaper.

More good news about a Mac-Hi graduate... Katy H graduated with the class of 1998. She went to Library School. Got her masters from Library School at Wichita, Kansas. She is now Director of a Llibrary in Texas. She has been named by the American Library Association as one of 100 emerging leaders.

The Library of which she is director has just been awarded the Outstanding New Library in Texas. The American Library Association has just voted her a $1000 scholarship to attend the annual American Library Association annual conference in Washington DC this summer. One last note: She is daing son of a Baptist Church minister. Her mother Beth H lives in Walla Walla.

Way to go Katy! It's also worth noting that the writing isn't actually as bad as it's been known to be (spelling errors are minimal, for example). I love M-F.

I know all of you want to see the paper for yourselves, so here's the link:

Tennis lessons need a warning label.

The crazy-competitive new lady at tennis last night beamed me with the ball on an overhead shot. It hurt (I do have a sweet bruise to show for it, though). If we'd have been playing baseball, I most definitely would have charged the mound.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Ahhh, Friday.

As I stated earlier, time seems to be flying by. I am undecided on how I feel about this - is it good, since I basically have nothing going on? Or bad... since I basically have nothing going on? Tough call. Anyway, thanks for all the fun comments on the last post. Who needs the phone/email when we can just chat via blogger comments??

I'd like to make a shout out to buzz and andrea #1 for getting "real" jobs recently (no offense rtrax - your perfect job just hasn't found you yet.... good job-finding karma is being sent your way as I type, though). Way to go, Hopkins MHS-ers.

It's less than 4 weeks til Aunt-hood! Perhaps ash does not feel that time is flying quite as quickly as I do? I still can't believe it, though - there's going to be a baby in my family soon! I cannot wait to meet him. We're going to be best friends (though that official title has already been claimed by ko's sis, I believe). I plan on giving fantastic presents (Sandra Boynton books, anyone?) and being the best diaper-changer EVER. In later years we will go see the giraffes at the zoo and ride MAX (you had better still live in PDX) - and don't you worry, we'll make train noises. It will be FANTASTIC. See, I have it all planned out. I heart Owen!

That was quite a tangent, no? You can thank my innate procrastination. HPV clinical trial findings... Fun enough to read, less fun to summarize. Especially when you've already summarized the disease and vaccine info. My job does not rock today.

So tomorrow is St. Patrick's day. I have been invited to 3 parties. How about we spread things out people? Before this, I was invited to a total of three parties in the last year or so (Yes, I am that cool). Now all on the same day? How to choose, how to choose?? Well, easy actually, as one is at my boss' and I am a huge sucker-upper. Well, and since it's partially to celebrate the twins, whom I love. The little one started walking. So, so cute.

Okay, must work. Happy Friday, happy St. Patrick's Day, happy March Madness, etc.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back from the abyss.

It's been a rough week. Highlights include me crying in public (sorry about that) and skipping out on work for the good of my mental health. But I will persevere! Anyway, things are looking a bit brighter: tomorrow is already Thursday (time flies when you don't go to work), my boss has returned from his seemingly-endless travels (meaning work will be busier and thus more "fun"), I have another softball game Friday night (we kicked bum last week), I am so excited about the new gym I've been going to (I seriously can't wait to go tonight - perhaps something is wrong with me?), and payday is this week (meaning an automatically good weekend is in store).

In an attempt to catch up with my blogging community:

1. mrsbrooke will not blog? this is devastating news! wait... she will blog, just not as often. i can probably handle this.

2. the package fairy also visited me! moonstruck mexican hot chocolate! if only it weren't 85 degrees here... that's what A/C is for, correct? to create the feeling of winter in an attempt to enjoy cocoa? it's worth a shot. also, I AM NOT A CAT LADY.

3. ash-can most definitely needs to get out more. if she cannot even recognize a party once she's in the room... more surprise parties are in store (just so she can practice).

4. krista's on spring break? oh, the life of a student! how i miss week-long breaks for no reason!

5. it's about gosh-darn time that the unwillingexpat updated the blog. seriously. i was about to stop checking.

6. any of my regular readers have any feelings about truman capote (i believe ash does?)? i am tempted to read some of his work after reading buzz's blog. any suggestions?

7. rtrax! update the bloggers on the happenins in texas. please?

i think that's it.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Kansas City is ugly. There's really no getting around it. Now, I realize that March may not be the city's prettiest month, but I find it hard to believe it gets all that much better. U-G-L-Y, ugly. Anyway, the Hyatt was nice. And I had a nice view of the [ugly] city. I realized about 1/2 way through the week, though, that even when it's on someone else's dime, traveling alone isn't all that fun. At least when it's at a conference where everyone else knows someone. Tricky. All that being said, it was a good week. I met some of boss-man Dan's colleagues, spoke in front of 100+ people, and had plenty of quality me-time. Aside from a slight bump Tuesday night, the week was pretty good. Stupid b-man. But that's a whole different story.

It's fun to get to work after being gone for 5 days and realize that it's Friday. I thought it was Monday all morning, so what a pleasant surprise. I even have a softball game tonight. Cross your fingers I don't suck it up while catching. Seriously - who puts the new girl in as catcher? Is that really the smartest move?

A couple of [boring but pleasant] things to report:

1. Found a suit; looked super professional + cute during above-mentioned presentation.
2. Jetta got her muffler and locks fixed (and for less than the estimate!). It's as if she's brand new.
3. Cats are super happy to have me home. I love them. A super-ridiculous amount.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Who knew?

I've come to a realization. While I enjoy traveling (tremendously), I do not particularly like trips two weekends in a row. My excitement about next week's conference is being overshadowed by the fact I would much rather stay at home on Sunday (as opposed to driving back to Jacksonville to board another plane). In addition, I am not quite prepared to go out of town again. For example, it did not occur to me to arrange for a cat-sitter. Oops. Now I feel guilty for asking at the last minute. Also, I need "business-type" clothing... and I need to find it tomorrow. It should be noted that I HATE [clothes] shopping. To my core. This hatred can only be exacerbated by shopping for "difficult" clothing-related items, such as swimwear (and jeans). Suits, I feel, are destined to fall into this category. Alas, I have one afternoon to find one. Again, oops. So after work today I will go to my softball game with the camo-wearing, chew-spitting teammates, then home to do laundry. Tomorrow I must wake up, take my car to the Volkswagen service people (because the first auto place couldn't fix it), make my way to the car rental pick-up place, go to the bank, then find a suit before my evening [tennis] date. Finally, on Sunday I must begin the trek to the airport at 6am. Stupid far-away airport. I'm never living this far from a major airport again. It's officially made my list of place-to-live requirements. I think I'm grumpy today. Sorry.

So, I will not be blogging next week (maybe on Friday, if I come to work). I won't be home until Thursday night, so I'm crossing my fingers that boss-man Dan will tell me to stay home. Please send good luck vibes my way on Wednesday, so that I do not make a fool of myself in front of potential future employers. I could probably use some additional vibes tomorrow, while I search for a suite. Stupid clothes shopping.

Happy Friday.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Enough, already.

So here is a look at some of the random things going on in my life:

1. My car has been possessed by some sort of electrical problem-inducing force. Last night, while driving on a 6 lane, 45-mile an hour road (with traffic), my panic alarm went off. This would have been only slightly embarrassing, had I been able to turn it off. But alas, I was cruising down the road with lights and horn blaring, every attempt to thwart the noise useless. At the next stoplight I turned the car off, thinking that would obviously solve the problem, but no. Then I couldn't start the car again. So there I am, envisioning me (and Vanessa, who was forced into this situation by mistakenly getting in to the car with me) waiting for a tow truck in the center lane at a stoplight in one of the busiest intersections in Gainesville with my panic alarm blaring. Thankfully, turning the lights off, of all things, stopped the alarm. Who knew? Needless to say, jetta is at the [car] doctor this morning.

2. I went to Portland. And back. It's a long way across the U.S.

3. On an incredibly related note, I co-hosted a baby shower for Ashley this weekend - she's silly ("hello?... oh, Stephanie's here and she brought balloons"). If you ever envision yourself throwing her a surprise party, don't worry - you'll get away with it.

4. I've decided I am officially done with the b-man. He may not like it, but we will not be friends - at least not for a long, long time. Sorry.

5. My first softball game is on Friday (well, they actually played last Friday while I was gone, but this is MY first game. It should be noted that they lost last week. I think we all know why) - go Gator Aluminum!

6. I bought a nap blanket from Brookstone this weekend. I love it.

7. I leave for Kansas City on Sunday. And need to find a suite-type outfit before then. Tricky.

8. And finally, long live my hatred for #12.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Big news.

1. My paper was accepted by the journal I submitted to (most of you know this; I apologize for the redundancy).

2. I have a [real] matching couch and chair. I'm so adult.

3. 6-7 weeks until aunthood!

4. There is a distinct possibility that I have a crush. First one in roughly ten years (excluding Ecuador, of course).

Monday, February 19, 2007

And then it hits me:

I DO live in [rural] Florida! Gainesville is an oasis. If the South were a desert, Gainesville is a lush mirage. Most of the time, I forget this. I forget that I'm in the South. I forget I am in Florida, even. But yesterday, there was no escape. I found myself in Newberry, Florida - the Athena, Oregon of the South, I soon discovered. Oddly enough, I was there for softball practice. That's a whole different story. Anyway, after waiting for my captain in the town market parking lot (FANTASTIC people watching), I made my way to the city park and met 4 members of my team. Low and behold, I live in the South. These guys epitomize the South. Not even kidding. So much accent. So much camo. Even a can of snuff. I'm still reeling. What have I gotten myself into? This is certainly not what I had in mind when I signed up. Now don't get me wrong, all were very nice. Just so, so southern. Rural South, southern. To be fair, I'm sure these guys were thinking "who the hell is this girl", or something along those lines. It was a gentle clash of cultures. So I'll be spending the next 10 Friday nights with this group. It'll be good for me, right? Perhaps I'm secretly rural South at heart.

Crazy Florida.

I'd like to inform everyone that it is currently colder in Central Florida than in Portland (even being 3 hours later in the day). That's weird.

Teaser: I have a GREAT story for later; there's camo and chew involved.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oh crap.

I dropped a stitch. It's 5 rows back. I'm going 70 stitches across. This does not make for a good time. I had been doing so good! Darn it!

Monday, February 12, 2007

For my loyal readers.

Answers to Stephanie's City Challenge (a disappointing show of participation, by the way):

1. Portland, Oregon
2. Sydney, Australia
3. Cuenca, Ecuador
4. Seattle, Washington
5. Guayaquil, Ecuador
6. Minneapolis, Minnesota
7. San Fransisco, California
8. New York, New York
9. Quito, Ecuador
10. Lima, Peru

I think I'm an addict.

Seriously. I've realized that I have a slightly addictive personality. That is, when I find something I like, I partake (at times in excess) until I tire of it. Quizno's, for example. Or black bean burritos with avocado. When I find a food that I like, I can eat it everyday (not even an exaggeration). This can go on for months (though I don't usually eat the same things every day because I am aware that variety is good for me. Every other day, though, is another story.) - it's been like this for as long as I remember. I also have reason to believe it may be hereditary, as I can picture T-dogg eating the same thing every afternoon of my childhood. It's not limited to food, however: knitting has recently reached addiction status, and seasons 1 and 2 of Alias have been there for almost a year. While I realize that worse addictions may exist, I wonder if my behavior is healthy and/or normal.

On a related note, I have started a new knitting project! I worked on it for hours yesterday (literally), but it's coming along beautifully. The most blog-worthy part about it is that the pattern was COMPLETELY wrong. I read it through, realized I could do it and started, but as I went along I thought to myself, "I don't think this will actually create the pattern it says it will. Hhhmmm." But as I'm new to knitting, I just figured I didn't know what I was talking about. O yee of little faith [in myself]! After a few rows I confirmed that whoever wrote out the pattern is an idiot and altered it to actually create the basket weave pattern. I'm a knitting prodigy. I can't get more detailed than that for now though, as it's a gift. I'll post a picture later on (so, so cute!).

I am thinking about joining a co-ed softball league this week. I haven't played softball in approximately 9 years; it could be an embarrassingly good time.

Random update: the National Immunization Conference is in 3 weeks! I present on March 7 - scary! I booked all of my travel arrangements today - I love to travel! Especially when I don't have to pay for it! Nice hotel + rental car + $50/day for food = awesome.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Goodbye OR, hello FL.

Sad news, all. I am being forced to surrender my Oregon residency. I had been attempting to hang on to it for as long as possible, but the time has come for me to part ways with the Oregon driver's license (and probably the license plate, too - though I'm bitter, as I just renewed my tags!). As of 10:00AM tomorrow I will be a Florida resident. So sad. So official. So... permanent sounding. But it's a sacrifice I am willing to make to join a local credit union. They better appreciate me. The best part about all of this is the ridiculous amount of license plates I have to choose from. Oregon has 4 or so. Florida has about 100. Seriously. I've lived here for 7 (8?) months and still see new ones. And that's just Gainesville. It's crazy. So the most exciting part of my day tomorrow may be obtaining a super fun license plate - that's right, the best part of my day. I also find this strange, that I will get only one plate. I currently have plates on both the front and rear of my car. Florida thinks this is too much, however, and only wants them in the rear. I feel this can make identification tricky. What's the rationale behind the single plate? Silly Florida. So I know everyone will be quivering in anticipation, but don't you worry - as soon as possible I'll post a pic of the new plate (I'm leaning toward the wildflower - Jetta will be so cute!).

Monday, February 05, 2007

Stephanie = safe.

By the way, all's well in Gainesville (for those who were worried). The tornadoes hit Lady Lake, in Lake county (the next county over), which is about an hour from here. I didn't even know what had happen until my dad called to check on me! Oops. The night before I had seen tornado watches on "the telly" and we had tons of thunder/lightening and flooding, but nothing hit here. I do appreciate everyone's concern, though :)

I heart interactive blogs.

It's Monday and I'm already pretty bored with my current work projects, so I have decided to create a blogging activity. I am so, so cool. Anyway, you know how much I love image surveys. You also know how much I love games. I am a game FANATIC. Seriously. Ask anyone. So anyway, I have decided to post pictures of my favorite cities (worldwide), in order, and would like my dedicated readers to attempt to identify them (via comment or email). Perhaps it doesn't sound too hard, but I plan on picking images that may stump you!. Again, I am so cool.

Here are the clues:

1. Any city listed is a city I have been to (lived/visited).
2. A past image-post may be helpful.

** Addendum - I have been informed that I may not have thought this through. For all you CHEATERS out there... you can only look at the pictures in the size they are (as shown below)!

Stephanie's favorite cities









