Monday, April 30, 2007

Input requested.

What does one wear to her convocation ceremony? Does this perhaps warrant the purchase of a new dress?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Q-tip fetish!

How could I forget the q-tip fetish?? Basically the whole reason behind the cat tribute, and I managed to leave it out! Silly me.

Anyway, Rex loves q-tips. LOVES EM. For example, he stalks me as I use them. He knows where I keep them and will open sliding drawers to get to them (and take them out of the carton himself). I can't leave used ones in the garbage can because he will knock it over and dig through it to find them. Once he has one, he'll bat it around, take it downstairs (in his mouth), bat it around some more, then put it in his food dish (for safe keeping?). He's a crazy, crazy cat.

I love him. But I'm still not a crazy cat lady.

Dear Owen,

Hi. This is your Aunt Stephanie. Could you please tell your parents that they should break out the video camera? Or at least take more photos? People outside of the Portland metro area are very curious about what you're up to.

Be good - let your parents sleep a little.



Thursday, April 19, 2007

A tribute

... to the cats.

I must preface this with: I AM NOT A CRAZY CAT LADY :) While I do enjoy most cats, and find most kittens quite adorable, I really only love MY cats (sorry, all you cats reading this). But I will admit, I am crazy about my cats. What can I say? They're pretty terrific. And so, a blog entry dedicated solely to them is long overdue.

First off, my cats (better known as Jack and Rex) are color-coordinating litter-mates and the best of friends. The sort of friends that will lick your private parts when necessary (I am not that sort of friend - sorry). Most importantly, they are quirky, quirky cats. For proof, see below.


- must sniff the face of anyone who comes through my front door. It's imperative.

- will hunt insects on command. Seriously.

- continues to think that if he scratches at the glass door long enough, he'll break through and get to go after the lizards.

- has a bedtime and morning routine. Not even joking.

- is a regular-sized adult cat, but still really, really enjoys sitting on my [left] shoulder. Always the left, never the right.

- really likes the smell of guys' shoes. Enough so to stick his whole head in and roll around.


- has dandruff. Kind of cute, kind of gross.

- has slept on my pillow since he was a kitten. He does not sleep on the pillow during the day - only when my head is
also there. On a related note, he will come running for my lap if I place a pillow on it, but will not sit on my lap otherwise. Interesting, no?

- huddles near me at the vet's office.

Jack and Rex:

- meet me at the door when I come home. Almost every time.

- sleep on the floor on their backs with their feet in the air.

- groom each other (see intro). Also, enjoy going from friendly grooming to all-out [play] warfare in the blink of an eye.

- both enjoy following me from room to room.

- are fantastic (so, so glad I won custody).

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I wish: it was 5; that decent housing in G'ville didn't cost so much; the U.S. would implement a mandatory 35 hour work week; my student loans didn't exist; I had a date lined up for Saturday.

I want: to hold Owen.

I feel: fortunate to have never been personally affected by random violence.

I need: to be close to my friends and family soon; a new apartment (with non-sexaholic neigbors); new running shoes.

I enjoy: tennis, GH&F, the company of others.

I love: quizno's; the PNW; that Jack & Rex sleep with me.

I miss: the old M; my mom; feeling like I had a plan.

I am: strong; okay on my own.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Here he is, in all his cuteness! I can't believe I still have to wait almost 7 weeks to hold him. Stupid living in Florida. Can we just talk about how cute he is?? Seriously.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I have a nephew!

Owen Robert has arrived! Weighing in at 7lbs5oz, he made his debut at approximately 9:oopm EST (after 25 hours of labor!). I'm still waiting for more details and photos... I can't believe there's a new person in my life!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Baby update #2.

4:00pm EST: still no baby.

Last I heard, things are "progressing"... I won't go into the details (for Ashley's sake). Perhaps in a few hours I'll have a nephew!

Baby update #1.

1:40pm EST: still no baby.

It appears Ashley's in this for the long haul.

It's baby time!!!

I'm on the verge of Aunthood! They've been at the hospital for approximately 12 hours, but I haven't heard if there's been a birth... it's awful just sitting here! I hate living in Florida! I wish I had my own jet. I think that should be my next big purchase :) Alas, I'm at work, waiting with my phone next to me for any news. I'm ridiculously excited. Hooray for Owen entering the world!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I have some work ahead of me.

But I really have North America pretty well covered, don't I? I think I need to polish off those few remaining states. Katy H? New England road trip?? Autumn splendor at it's finest??

Africa, Asia, and Europe all look so neglected... I really need to save up and go all out.

Hooray for international travel!