Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Middle of nowhere Wisconsin, here I come!

Hooray! It's nearly the end of my two-day work-week, as I am off to Wisconsin in the morning. Hooray for air travel! How I love those airplane snacks and miniature drink cups! Also exciting is that I get to travel through Detroit, an airport I have never before flown through. I am oddly excited about this.... good thing I already admitted that I'm a big nerd, eh?

Those who are overly interested in my trip/the organization I am interviewing with should click here. If you're interested in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (and I know you are!), click here.

I'll be back Monday - have a good week/weekend!

Pardon me while I vent.

I have been especially irritable for the past few days (okay, maybe even longer than that). In honor of my irritation, I have decided to create a list. It's been so long since I've done a list!

[Drum roll...]

My top 5 current pet peeves (disclaimer: order may fluctuate daily)

1. Bad drivers. I especially despise those who 1) drive dangerously slow for no apparent reason, 2) Almost hit me when changing lanes and never even realize it / are completely oblivious to their surrounding environment, 3) are discourteous. That was a list within a list!

2. The lack of common sense (enough said).

3. Mixed signals. Professionally, personally, whatever - let's be forthcoming, people!

4. Being ma'am-ed. A wave of euphoria hit me last night (while getting food and being called ma'am literally 9 times by a guy who was probably 21) when I realized that I may leave the South (aka "the land of ma'am-ing") soon. It still makes me feel like I am 40. I AM NOT 40!

5. I've decided to leave this spot vacant for the time being; it's still early in the day.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The truth comes out.

I am secretly a big nerd.

I read Harry Potter this weekend (well, technically just on Saturday), after I bought it at midnight on Friday. Well, I actually bought it at 1:20am, since there were 500+ people in front of me in line at the G'ville Barnes & Noble. At least I'm not the only nerd, right? Finishing it quickly was both good and bad; on one hand, I felt super cool to be "in the know" on Sunday (and today, I suppose). On the other hand, no one else that I know has finished it, so I can't actually talk about it (not to mention that the finality of the series being over is somewhat devastating). Anyway, the Harry Potter series has come to an end; I did actually enjoy the final book (it may even be may favorite) and thought it was a fitting finale for the series - well done J.K.

Anyone who wants to know how is ends - I'm your girl.

Job search update, take 47.

I continue to search for employment.

The process is quite exhausting/frustrating/painful/etc. Never in my life have I been rejected this many times; it really is quite bad for my self-esteem. I've had several (okay, more than several) interviews - hooray for me! - but zero job offers. Boo, me! Most recently I interviewed with a private company in Maryland (not in Baltimore, don't you worry)... haven't heard anything yet. I just want to find an organization that will expedite the process along (and offer me something, but that might be too much to ask). Next week I am travelling to Wisconsin (yes, you read correctly: Wisconsin) for yet another interview. This one is round two, and I know there are limited candidates left, so I have to have a decent shot at it. You'd think, anyway. The bigger question may be, however, do I want to live in Wisconsin? Not Madison or Milwaukee, mind you, but Central-middle-of-nowhere-Wisconsin. I think I will actually enjoy the town, but will it be a good move for my social life right now? I am leaning toward the conclusion that I may need to toss my social life aside for the betterment of my career (at least for the time being). I may be jumping the gun in this debate, as I don't have the job yet, but it sounds PERFECT! Literally perfect! S cross your fingers for me next week and I'll try to not screw up, as evidently I've been doing in all the previous interviews. Perhaps I need to mock interview with someone? On a positive note, I get to wear my suit again - I feel so adult when I put it on.... almost like a costume.

Enough about this. Stupid job search.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Per your request...

Here (s)he is! What do we think: boy or girl? Any name suggestions?

While I did steal this particular pic off the internet, it looks an awful lot like it would if I took a photo myself. So cute, no?

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I saw a hooker last night. In Gainesville. Best part? She was a middle-aged woman and wearing a fanny pack. It was freakin hilarious.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blogger won't let me title this post. Tricky.

The past few days have been such a whirlwind that it's actually been nice to be back at work and feel settled. Those of you who know how I feel about work can ponder the magnitude of that sentence.

Here's [most of] what's happening with me:

Tuesday I took Jetta to the VW doctor and discovered she needed repairs that would cost more that half of her value. I'd already been thinking about upgrading to something more reliable, and this was just the motivation I needed. My tennis class was cancelled that night (stupid rain), so I took it as a sign to go look at cars. I had a very enjoyable experience (feel free to smile at this one, some of you) at Mazda, and was made an offer decent enough to take, so I went home with a new car! Hooray! I LOVE my new car! It's a 2007 Mazda3 (in silver).

Wednesday was the 4th, and I celebrated with some of the gang here - hooray for Michael's cooking!

Thursday I signed the last of my soul over to Mazda, had a job interview (for a job I didn't actually want), then left for Pensacola. My gym/tennis buddy was in a tournament, and I went along in manager/cheerleader capacity. The weather was fantastic - we spent time watching tennis, at the beach, playing mini-golf, and eating out... what a great weekend, no? I decided I need to start spending more time at the tennis center here - some of those boys were ridiculously cute. I drove, so the new car has almost 1000 miles already!

Yesterday I was out of town for work (more time in the car - hooray!), so it's nice to know I get to spend some quality time at home tonight (post-tennis, of course).

I had another interview today (for a job I actually want, thank goodness) - I'll let everyone know once I hear something this week. The job sounds perfect, but is perhaps not ideally located :)

I may be going to DC next week (hooray for airplanes!) - my life is crazy, no?


Owen is on his first real vacation right now - I can't wait to see pictures of him at the beach!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Goodbye Jetta, hello Mazda!

I got a new car! There was a very sudden decision to upgrade from Jetta earlier in the week; everything worked out well and I went home with a new car Tuesday night. Hooray! More details later - I'm going on vacation this afternoon! Pensacola, here I come.