Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I wish: it was 5; that decent housing in G'ville didn't cost so much; the U.S. would implement a mandatory 35 hour work week; my student loans didn't exist; I had a date lined up for Saturday.

I want: to hold Owen.

I feel: fortunate to have never been personally affected by random violence.

I need: to be close to my friends and family soon; a new apartment (with non-sexaholic neigbors); new running shoes.

I enjoy: tennis, GH&F, the company of others.

I love: quizno's; the PNW; that Jack & Rex sleep with me.

I miss: the old M; my mom; feeling like I had a plan.

I am: strong; okay on my own.

1 comment:

rmtrax said...

you go girl!