Thursday, April 19, 2007

A tribute

... to the cats.

I must preface this with: I AM NOT A CRAZY CAT LADY :) While I do enjoy most cats, and find most kittens quite adorable, I really only love MY cats (sorry, all you cats reading this). But I will admit, I am crazy about my cats. What can I say? They're pretty terrific. And so, a blog entry dedicated solely to them is long overdue.

First off, my cats (better known as Jack and Rex) are color-coordinating litter-mates and the best of friends. The sort of friends that will lick your private parts when necessary (I am not that sort of friend - sorry). Most importantly, they are quirky, quirky cats. For proof, see below.


- must sniff the face of anyone who comes through my front door. It's imperative.

- will hunt insects on command. Seriously.

- continues to think that if he scratches at the glass door long enough, he'll break through and get to go after the lizards.

- has a bedtime and morning routine. Not even joking.

- is a regular-sized adult cat, but still really, really enjoys sitting on my [left] shoulder. Always the left, never the right.

- really likes the smell of guys' shoes. Enough so to stick his whole head in and roll around.


- has dandruff. Kind of cute, kind of gross.

- has slept on my pillow since he was a kitten. He does not sleep on the pillow during the day - only when my head is
also there. On a related note, he will come running for my lap if I place a pillow on it, but will not sit on my lap otherwise. Interesting, no?

- huddles near me at the vet's office.

Jack and Rex:

- meet me at the door when I come home. Almost every time.

- sleep on the floor on their backs with their feet in the air.

- groom each other (see intro). Also, enjoy going from friendly grooming to all-out [play] warfare in the blink of an eye.

- both enjoy following me from room to room.

- are fantastic (so, so glad I won custody).


Anonymous said...

Yay for kitties! I miss my Jems but my mom gives me little updates on her periodically. I get to see her towards the end of May! :) She too has plenty of quirks too like loving to be chased and she has my mom well trained to meet all her needs even at 4AM.

koprime said...

your cats are awesome -- you forgot to mention the walking around the loft making all kinds of great noises at 3 in the morning. :)