Sunday, September 30, 2007

I am a bad blogger.

There is no excuse; I am simply a bad blogger at times. It's not like I don't have any extra time - I know a total of 4 people here! I don't do anything! Perhaps I haven't blogged because I don't have anything meaningful to say? I'm not quite sure. Anyway, I am alive and well, and in Wisconsin.

Let's recap:

Started work. So much orientation, so much of it not applicable to my job. There should be a separate orientation process for research foundation employees (as opposed to clinic employees)... I don't normally encounter blood-borne pathogens while reading articles.

Started "real" work. So far, so good. So many vaccine studies all going on at once! Will I ever feel like I know what's going on? It's a tough call.

Went to DC/Maryland. Hooray for Andrea G! Hooray for Eric! Hooray for weddings! I definitely needed some quality friend time, and that's what I got - and I got to put my surprisingly decent wedding planning skills to use.

Went back to work. It is very difficult to read articles about miscarriage all day, then want to go back to work the next day and do it again. Trust me. Even with this little setback in work fun-ness, this job still sooo beats my last one (sorry, Ness).

Weekends... I am such a loser. I saw "The Game Plan" on Friday. Not even kidding. Not my fault, coach - the only people I know have a 5 year old. We figured this was probably more appropriate than "The Kingdom". Way to go, us. FYI: The Rock is a freakishly large man.

Random updates:

My knee sucks. Big time. So does United Healthcare (now that I live in Wisconsin, anyway). Goodbye, United starting this week! Hooray! Anyway, the knee is crunchier and more painful then ever. I get to go to the doctor next week and I'm pretty sure I might get to have surgery. I've never even been admitted to the hospital! Slightly scary, but I'm sure it will be fine. I'll keep you posted (well, I'll try).

I watched the Gator game on TV last night and almost cried. I miss knowing people.

I made artwork last night; it's fun splatter-paint on canvas. I think I missed my calling.

My parents are coming to visit me next week! I hope they don't kill each other on the way here. Cross your fingers.

The MF YMCA, while definitely no GHF, is no Walla Walla YMCA. I really wish there was a good gym here. I'm going to suck it up and sign up for some classes, though - maybe that will help? They all cost extra here (not a lot, but still!), which I think is odd. Have I always been spoiled? Classes have always been included in the membership prices at all the gyms I've gone to.

I made cookies today for a bake sale at work. They're pumpkin shaped with harvest sprinkles. They make me happy.

That I have a league is becoming more apparent every day. I may be alone forever.


Anonymous said...

Glad that you are doing well. I'll have to come & visit sometime especially since I have 3-day weekends. Good luck with the knee as well. I'll keep my fingers crossed you won't need surgery. :)

Ashley said...

See, that was an action-packed blog post. You could have broken that into like 8 posts over the last 8 days! :)

It won't be long till you've forgotten about this initial lonely time and are a happy, well-adjusted cheese-head who knows EVERYONE in town! :)

Cara said...

Glad you're well. United Healthcare is the devil. Sorry 'bout the knee...