Sunday, September 09, 2007

I need a hammer, among other things.

So I guess in the past I've bought "easy" Ikea projects, because I cannot remember needing a hammer during assembly (Let alone a drill. A drill? Seriously? Come on, Ikea - if I wanted to have to use a drill I'd buy real furniture!.). Alas, I do not have a hammer at my disposal (because the majority of my things remain in transit and I was not intelligent enough to pack my tools in the car). This is disappointing, as I have two pieces of furniture that I would very much like to assemble. When you have an apartment without furniture, the prospect of a bookshelf and dresser is quite exciting.

But anyway, as you surely must have gathered, I now live in Wisconsin. I left G'ville last Friday afternoon (so sad!), stayed outside Altanta that night, drove to Paducah KY Saturday (yep, Paducah), then drove to Madison on Sunday. Sidebar: Madison appears to be a fantastic city; the "where should you live" online quiz people did an impressive job choosing it for me awhile back. So after 1.5 days in Madison I dove the last [v short] leg to MF (hee hee) on Tuesday. The apartment is good (but barren), MF is good (but lonely). Carol left yesterday, so I've only had one real day on my own so far. Already, though, so excited for work. I forgot what the first period in G'ville felt like, before I had met anyone. While I love the cats, I need human interaction.

Moving is an expensive task (especially when it's 1400 miles). Forget the cost of movers and the associated travel costs, I feel like I can't stop spending now that I am here. You need a lot of random crap when you start in a new place. Food, cleaning stuff, additional furniture, miscellaneous decorative items (okay, "need" may have been a stretch, but still). Things should calm down soon, unless the arrival of my furniture (maybe tomorrow!) initiates another spending frenzy.

In order to feel like a true MF resident I joined the library and the Y last week. Today was my first real Y experience. I miss GHF.

I'll close with some random roadtrip tid bits.

- Central Illinois is not messing around when it comes to corn. Holy crap.
- I love Jack, but seriously considered life without him after 7 straight hours of meowing. Okay, not really, but it was super annoying.
- Once you pass Nashville, you can't look back.
- Georgia (and Florida, actually) should really rethink it's policy on billboards next to the freeways. I feel like the state sold its soul.
- Paducah: funny name, super popular Labor day spot.


Cara said...

Glad you made it is funny how expensive it is to move. You have to re-stock up on all the things that you use once a year and holy cow, that's a lot of stuff.

Hopefully life will be amazingly wonderful in MF.

koprime said...

welcome back to blog-land! I'm glad the move went well.

Ashley said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! :) I can't wait to hear all about MF and the new job! Or maybe just play phone tag for another week or so ... that's fun too! :)