Monday, November 17, 2008

And I was off to such a good start...

It's been awhile now, so let's recap: I went to see Amos Lee last week (how cute is he?). I was unfamiliar with his opening act and was pleasantly surprised; Priscilla Ahn is ADORABLE. Her song "I Don't Think So" is basically the soundtrack to my life at the moment - you should check it out. All in all, a great show. Definitely worth the 5 hours in the car [on a Monday] - I am so young and carefree (or maybe crazy?). So the concert was good, the date part of it not so much. Oh well.

In case it hasn't been mentioned (it's even worth mentioning again, if it has) - I am playing in a pool league. I am so very Wisconsin. While this in itself is amusing, the best part is that I'm not actually good at pool. My teammates have changed my shot in an effort to better me... we'll see. All I can say is that it's a good thing my partner is good :) But come April (can you say "longest season ever"?), I'm going to rock. Maybe I'll start hustling people.

In case you've forgotten, it's cold here. The weather forecast for tonight has it in the teens (and "feels like" single digits - I am not ready for single digits!). Snow has started, which in itself is okay, since I actually like snow. It's just that along with snow comes Midwest winter: -30 windchill, frostbite advisories, and the like.

Can someone nicely inform Bryce that we are not friends? I did not sign up for that. If I do not respond to his random text messages, I am not a bad person.

On a more pleasant note, I am considering getting my PhD. While I initially thought I was done with school, it's sounding more and more tempting. Maybe graduate school is like childbirth - after awhile you forget how painful it was and end up going back for more? That was a very strange analogy.

Does anyone else see the irony in me dating someone from Florida? Could my timing be any crummier?

T minus 38 days until Portland.


Anonymous said...

Grad school would be the LONGEST child birth ever!! :) But it isn't too far off I would suspect.

PS- I am glad I don't have to endure the cold but I sort of miss getting to see snow!

koprime said...

your blog is so mysterious! maybe you should go to florida for grad school... or...ohsu? i'm just saying.

the childbirth analogy is odd, but perhaps accurate. or maybe it's like getting a tattoo.

Cara said...

The analogy is dead on. Sad, but true.

I missed the alert that you were going to be in Portland. Have some super fun, and I need to forward an email to you now. :)