Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.

While not typically the favorite holiday of vegetarians, I am excited about Thanksgiving this year for a number of reasons:

1. rtrax (okay, and Mike) - enough said.

2. It's [also] Andrea's birthday! As I am quite thankful for her, that works out quite well.

3. The day (for me) formally welcomes the "holiday season", which I love. This year's celebrations will take me to Menomonie, Tampa, Minneapolis, Madison, and Portland. Thank you, holiday season; I am so anxious to see people I care about, and this means I will very soon!

4. Me, Lindsay, and baking. Autumn cookies and pies, oh my.

A very happy Thanksgiving to my [4] readers. Safe travels!

1 comment:

koprime said...

your cookies are so pretty!