Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I miss Owen.

Alas, my jaunt to Portland has come to an end. I miss Owen already. And Travis and Ashley, too, I guess :)

I believe I completed everything on my list (and more!), so the trip was a success. Owen and Amelia are both doing well; they are very close in age, but so different. Ahh, the power of genetics. Travis and Ashley (and Laura and Aaron) seem to be naturals at this parenting thing. I am in awe of their resilience to heart-breaking crying. Owen's gasps for air mid-scream (and pouty face and lone tears) are too much for me. I cave! I'll give you whatever you want! Just stop with the pouty face!

I was able to spend a little bit of time with Andrea B and JB, which was very nice. Too brief, but nice.

I must say, while I may be a bit biased, Owen is darn cute. I have a couple of pictures that I'll try to post this evening, but envision I will get more from my mom, who took quite a few Saturday/Sunday.

I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Brooke and say that there is something big going on with me (you may have caught me alluding to this recently); for those of you who don't yet know, I will make an official announcement soon. The saga that is my life continues :)

I'm back!

1 comment:

koprime said...

welcome back and congratulations on being a foster parent!