Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Owen can roll over.

I very much enjoy the simplicity of baby milestones. We should continue to congratulate ourselves for small accomplishments (not to say that rolling over was a small accomplishment for Owen - I'm so proud of him!). But really, I think as a society we are too critical of ourselves (not to say that there aren't some out there, however, who could benefit from a little criticism). Okay, maybe it's just that I am being too hard on myself. Lately I seem to be dwelling on all that is wrong with my life at the moment and not appreciating how far I've come. I mean, I rolled over, got out of bed, stood up, and walked this morning, for crying out loud :) If only life were still that simple.

Anyway, still no [new] job for me. I'm starting new projects at the current job, and we'll see how that goes for now. Boss-man Dan made some calls for me today, so perhaps that will turn into something. Andrea G is also being RIDICULOUSLY helpful. She rocks. Speaking of, I get to see her and her beau this weekend! Yay! Florida better cooperate and be sunny and nice.

If you want to see Owen roll over (and I know you do), click here.

1 comment:

Dre said...

ridiculously helpful...or just ridiculous???