Saturday, August 11, 2007

I know, I know.

I am, at times, a bad blogger. I get caught up in things like work and forget about my blogging obligations. To all of you reading this: I apologize. This post will have to be a catch-up grab-bag, so I apologize if there is a lack of continuity.

I went to Wisconsin; it was pretty and fantastic. Then I came home (it's pretty here, too).

I went to Tampa, whose prettiness is somewhat hit or miss. I, unfortunately, was not in the pretty parts. Trailor parks are fun too, though. I drove by Busch Gardens and watched Sheikra drop; I was this (thumb and pointer finger very close together) close to quitting my job and hanging out there for the day instead. Then I came home again.

While I was in Tampa I found out that I got the job in Wisconsin (hooray!). So yes, I am moving to Wisconsin (and soon!); my first day at work will be 9/10 (because KKMB and I really are living one life). I am very, very excited.

I haven't told my guy friend (or boss, actually) that I am leaving yet. I am not looking forward to this. I think Carol is going to come drive with me and the boys to the great Midwest; should we do it in two days, or three? I'm leaning toward two - it's only 22 hours, right?

I cannot wait to talk to rtrax about Wisconsin; perhaps she will come visit me? :)

The b-man is up to his old tricks. How is it that I loved him?

I miss Owen.

I cancelled my membership with GHF this week. It was very, very sad. I will be returning to the Y, though, so perhaps it will be okay?

I may be planning more weekend getaways (more to come on that later).

This week I heard that there is Halloween candy in the stores. KKMB and I are very confused by this; it is 2.5+ months until the holiday, right? Marshfield supposedly goes all out for Halloween - I can't wait. I AM SO EXCITED TO LIVE SOMEWHERE WITH SEASONS AGAIN!

Baking makes me happy. So, oddly enough, does T-Pain.


koprime said...

Welcome back! :)

Cara said...

Congratulations!! Yay for seasons. Hey, in defense of the Halloween mentality, I actually spent time thinking about costuming this morning and looked at a few websites for little one patterns. Halloween rocks.

You should have got a job in Wyoming, it's closer to Utah and I might have been able to visit you. Will you send me some cheese? Hee hee. Krista still hasn't sent me any, the loser. But I don't think she knows that I want some cheese.

Congrats again!

rmtrax said...

yeah!! I was thinking this morning that if you move there, I would SO have to come and visit! I've been trying to get Mike to SP, so we have to come to your New neck of the woods!! I'll get some contacts for you, if you're interested... I have a friend in the area who was an old drinking buddy- very fun and funny guy.

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Someone else is moving to the cheese state! If you can manage it on your drive up you should stop by! And I still promise you my snow shovel come mid-December! :) I am headed on the journey to Wisconsin today and will be there on Monday.

I didn't know that Mrs Brooke was in need of cheese or I may have gotten some to her earlier! ;) I will have to give her a hard time!