Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hooray for trips to Maryland!

Eight days from now I'll be in the company of one of my favorite people, something that happens all too infrequently. How wonderful is it that work travel conveniently combines with pleasure? Thanks goodness for that. I am counting down the days (okay, let's be honest - the hours) until this quality girl time ensues. The fact that this also occurs on my birthday is an added bonus. I can't wait!

In other news, my lack of motivation is at an all time high today. Is there a medication for this? Or perhaps the only solution is a career change? Why do I seem to have such a problem with this? The big picture of my job is very interesting, but I've discovered that I really dislike many of the day to day tasks. That's a problem.

Finally, my pool team played at the Eagles last night. That is something I NEVER thought I would say. Ahh, Marshfield.


koprime said...

woooooooo yay! see you soon!

Cara said...

Hey, you're back! Hooray!

Ashley said...

I just now realized you are back!

I am in the same boat job/career wise. My lack of motivation is ASTOUNDING. Seriously. ASTOUNDING.

Hope you had a GREAT trip and a fabulous birthday!