Friday, October 31, 2008

The truth hurts.

This list has been brewing for quite a while. It's time to be honest with myself (and, in turn, with my blogging audience). While some may take offense, I feel I present clear arguments for the following.

I can't date:

1) Anyone who drives a truck [as their primary vehicle]. Seriously - does it not appear super machismo to anyone else? If you don't need to be hauling or transporting anything, get a car (or at least some sort of SUV?). The "my truck is bigger than your truck" attitude doesn't do it for me. If a truck-driving man out there would like to explain it to me, I am all ears.

2) Anyone who uses the word "supper" (or, for that matter, "vehicle" in place of car/truck). I just can't do it - sorry, Wisconsinites.

3) Anyone who cannot grasp a vague understanding of what I do. I'm pretty good at putting it into lay terms. If after spending an evening together you simply look at me and state, "so you're a scientist?", we're probably not meant to be.

4) An über Republican. As with the "supper"-sayers, more power to you - I just don't get it. You are more than welcome to hang out with Steve, but count me out.

... to be continued.

1 comment:

koprime said...

good list -- though surprising on the truck thing. that's never come up for me, but i think i agree.

ps way to make the dots above the u! fancy!