Wednesday, October 08, 2008

If I were Conan...

this would be when I'd bound onto the stage, arms raised, amid ruckus applause. But I'm not, so let's not make a big deal of my return to the blogging world, okay?

I almost waited until 10/18 to post anything, just so I could pretend like the entire year never happened (that about sums it up), but decided that if I felt like blogging I probably shouldn't wait. Who knows when the feeling might strike again, knowing me?

I apologize for my disappearance from the blog... things weren't so good, and who wants to write (or read) about that? But now? Well goodness. Between Palin and my humorous forays into the dating world, I have material for months!

So where was I? Ah, yes: realizing that my move to America's heartland might not have been the most thought out, brilliant plan I've had. Oops. Professionally, a superb move. However, there've been some setbacks personally as liberal idealism collided head-on with... Marshfield in general.

So I'm back [ruckus applause]; prepare yourselves for good reads - I swear I couldn't even make this stuff up.


koprime said...

yay wooooooooooooooo!

Anonymous said...

I just decided to check out your blog again and was hapily surprised to see you are back! Uh....yeah I guess I didn't warn you that Wisconsin is not so much on the liberal front. Very different place than anywhere I have ever lived.