Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When in doubt...

...just write in bullet points.

Katy is coming to visit me! So soon! Props to her for coming in frigid February (from a warm place, no less!).

So far, so good with the coworker matchmaking. Thank goodness for email - let's not be hasty.

I have so many balls in the freaking air right now... it's a wonder I can keep anything straight. If all else fails, it's nice to have friends in random parts of the country, right? Oklahoma, for example?

I succumbed and joined the race of DVR-owners. Why didn't anyone tell me how fabulous this is? My many random activities make for difficult regular TV watching... but I have SOO much time on weekends (when only crap is on).

Did I really not meet anyone great in 2008? No offense to Cliff, of course, but we're not exactly tight.

It's supposed to stay between -20 and -5 on Thursday. Why does anyone live here?

My dad, upon realizing that my Christmas was not so fruitful in the gift department, sent me a present (with a super cute note). Who knew he could be so wonderful? It almost makes me forget all the times when he is the opposite of wonderful. Almost.

Bryce's mom sent me a [very belated] Christmas card (can you say "oh, look - Stephanie sent me a card... I suppose I should send her one."?). Thanks, Nancy - the lack of any message at all was heartwarming. Even better than last year when you returned my stocking. Awesome.

Is 4:20 to early to leave work? I say no.


koprime said...

can i just take a moment and say thank you so very much for coming back to blog land?

i think i speak for all of us when i say thanks.


KatyH said...

Nancy sent your stocking back last year? That's harsh.