Monday, February 05, 2007

I heart interactive blogs.

It's Monday and I'm already pretty bored with my current work projects, so I have decided to create a blogging activity. I am so, so cool. Anyway, you know how much I love image surveys. You also know how much I love games. I am a game FANATIC. Seriously. Ask anyone. So anyway, I have decided to post pictures of my favorite cities (worldwide), in order, and would like my dedicated readers to attempt to identify them (via comment or email). Perhaps it doesn't sound too hard, but I plan on picking images that may stump you!. Again, I am so cool.

Here are the clues:

1. Any city listed is a city I have been to (lived/visited).
2. A past image-post may be helpful.

** Addendum - I have been informed that I may not have thought this through. For all you CHEATERS out there... you can only look at the pictures in the size they are (as shown below)!

Stephanie's favorite cities












Ashley said...

got 'em all! but the fact that they are named 'portland.jpg' and 'minneapolis.jpg' helped me a bit! haha. :) i'm smarter than the game!

actually, i'm confused by #3 still. have you been to spain? the cuenca cathedral is in spain. but for some reason i think travis has a picture just like that from somewhere in latin america. perhaps this is a different cuenca cathedral?

Ness said...

I can tell one of them is Sydney! And I think the Spanish building is in St Augustine.