Monday, February 12, 2007

I think I'm an addict.

Seriously. I've realized that I have a slightly addictive personality. That is, when I find something I like, I partake (at times in excess) until I tire of it. Quizno's, for example. Or black bean burritos with avocado. When I find a food that I like, I can eat it everyday (not even an exaggeration). This can go on for months (though I don't usually eat the same things every day because I am aware that variety is good for me. Every other day, though, is another story.) - it's been like this for as long as I remember. I also have reason to believe it may be hereditary, as I can picture T-dogg eating the same thing every afternoon of my childhood. It's not limited to food, however: knitting has recently reached addiction status, and seasons 1 and 2 of Alias have been there for almost a year. While I realize that worse addictions may exist, I wonder if my behavior is healthy and/or normal.

On a related note, I have started a new knitting project! I worked on it for hours yesterday (literally), but it's coming along beautifully. The most blog-worthy part about it is that the pattern was COMPLETELY wrong. I read it through, realized I could do it and started, but as I went along I thought to myself, "I don't think this will actually create the pattern it says it will. Hhhmmm." But as I'm new to knitting, I just figured I didn't know what I was talking about. O yee of little faith [in myself]! After a few rows I confirmed that whoever wrote out the pattern is an idiot and altered it to actually create the basket weave pattern. I'm a knitting prodigy. I can't get more detailed than that for now though, as it's a gift. I'll post a picture later on (so, so cute!).

I am thinking about joining a co-ed softball league this week. I haven't played softball in approximately 9 years; it could be an embarrassingly good time.

Random update: the National Immunization Conference is in 3 weeks! I present on March 7 - scary! I booked all of my travel arrangements today - I love to travel! Especially when I don't have to pay for it! Nice hotel + rental car + $50/day for food = awesome.


Ashley said...

you & your brother's abilities to eat the same foods and watch the same shows/movies over and over and over again is VERY weird. but probably nothing to worry about! it drives me absolutely INSANE sometimes, but i persevere. :)

Cara said...

YEAH! Knitting addiction! Keep it up. Don't you hate dumb patterns? Argh.

Anonymous said...

As long as your addictions don't take over your every waking moment and thoughts you should be fine. ;)
How exciting to be presenting!! I am going to a conference tomorrow in Boston and it should be lots of fun. Learning fun things and getting free stuff. What more could you ask for? :)