Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Enough, already.

So here is a look at some of the random things going on in my life:

1. My car has been possessed by some sort of electrical problem-inducing force. Last night, while driving on a 6 lane, 45-mile an hour road (with traffic), my panic alarm went off. This would have been only slightly embarrassing, had I been able to turn it off. But alas, I was cruising down the road with lights and horn blaring, every attempt to thwart the noise useless. At the next stoplight I turned the car off, thinking that would obviously solve the problem, but no. Then I couldn't start the car again. So there I am, envisioning me (and Vanessa, who was forced into this situation by mistakenly getting in to the car with me) waiting for a tow truck in the center lane at a stoplight in one of the busiest intersections in Gainesville with my panic alarm blaring. Thankfully, turning the lights off, of all things, stopped the alarm. Who knew? Needless to say, jetta is at the [car] doctor this morning.

2. I went to Portland. And back. It's a long way across the U.S.

3. On an incredibly related note, I co-hosted a baby shower for Ashley this weekend - she's silly ("hello?... oh, Stephanie's here and she brought balloons"). If you ever envision yourself throwing her a surprise party, don't worry - you'll get away with it.

4. I've decided I am officially done with the b-man. He may not like it, but we will not be friends - at least not for a long, long time. Sorry.

5. My first softball game is on Friday (well, they actually played last Friday while I was gone, but this is MY first game. It should be noted that they lost last week. I think we all know why) - go Gator Aluminum!

6. I bought a nap blanket from Brookstone this weekend. I love it.

7. I leave for Kansas City on Sunday. And need to find a suite-type outfit before then. Tricky.

8. And finally, long live my hatred for #12.


Ashley said...

yay! she has returned. yeah, yeah, i am easy to fool. :) or you are all just good liars! haha.

sorry to hear about jetta. hopefully she can be cured.

koprime said...

welcome back! in your retelling, the jetta noise machine does sound pretty funny, but then again, i wasn't there, and it is easy for me to laugh at people.

also -- love that you bought a nap blanket!