Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday randomness.

It's Friday and I'd rather be at home (or finishing my Christmas/holiday shopping), so I have decided to protest with a blog entry - just your luck. Since I don't have one, full-length topic in mind, I am jumping aboard the mythical bandwagon and writing on nothing. Here's to you, Ash.

First off, my fantastic Australian friends are celebrating their tenth anniversary today (cheers!) - hat's off to them, no? It's not often I meet a couple and truly adore both halves, but you should meet these people! Start with two wonderfully bright, enthusiastic, and thoughtful individuals, then add in the accent and ridiculously fun Aussie vocab and you have quite a good time in the making.

I will be in my home state in 6 days and 23 hours. Can you tell I'm excited? The crazy winter wind storm currently wreaking havoc on the area should be gone by then. I hope. While home I get to see my now-visibly pregnant sister-in-law. Since this is the first baby in the family, I'm pretty excited about it. You should see the cute presents I have for him (and parents)!

Speaking of Christmas (or "gimme gimme presents day" as it was once referred to), I've discovered that Christmas lights on palm trees make me inexplicably happy. It's very odd. Seriously. I can't figure it out, but I love it nonetheless. I also love the word nonetheless. It might be in my top 5 current favorite words. No one else has a list like that, do they? I'm never sure when to admit things like that.

Do you think it's possible I'm having a myocardial infarction? I've been having this weird chest pain for the last two days that I've never had before. It's freaking me out a little bit. If I die, I'd like someone to blame it on my new prescription and profit from the loss (well, it would be devastating, no?). I'm so American.

Speaking of, I've been informed that even though the rest of the world hates Americans, foreign nationals would like me (something to do with being from Oregon and not Texas). I take this as quite a compliment (thank you, "Amber").

I gave my neighbor an icy glare today. I'm so mature. While making fortune cookies last night
(yes, you read correctly) I was tempted to make one for #12, and have the fortune read something along the lines of "too much loud sex may make nice neighbor angry". But I didn't. Maybe next time.

My other boy dilemma lives on as well. Will someone tell me whether or not I should answer the phone when the B-man calls? I told him no talking! Several times! I feel as though answering the phone (albeit to tell him to stop calling) would still be a victory for him. However, I also want the money he owes me, and would rather get it without involving the state of Oregon. Thoughts?

I fell down on Tuesday. You should have seen it - it's not often an adult falls down. In my defense, it was during tennis, and I made a sweet save. I did fall down, however. During my class. Yeah... it was awesome. Especially since I just lay there for a minute and then yelled "I'm down!". You should have been there. Ahh, the memory.

This is turning into quite a post. If only I could write this much on my academic paper. You know, the one to complete my degree? Yeah - I'm a huge slacker. You'd think I'd want the $40k in tuition to actually mean something and try to finish. Nope. That would make too much sense.

Okay, I'm officially out of nothing to talk about. Happy Friday to all - please send some motivation my way over the weekend.


Ashley said...

i'm afraid that you are probably not as weird as me. sorry to break it to you. i mean, you didn't even mention Tom Selleck. but good work on the random post nonetheless (haha).

no, don't answer when b-man calls. i can arrange to have a "lawyer" call him about the money and scare him into paying you. ;)

i am impressed that you MADE fortune cookies.

rmtrax said...

Does any work seriously get done over the monh opf December? There's Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas? Seriously, think of the Jewish people that have to buy gifts for several days! BTW, those kids are lucky. I'm jealous. Procrastination is just a part of the season.
And congrats on the up and coming auntie-hood. :)