Monday, December 18, 2006

The symbolic end of an era.

The jeweler called today to inform me I can come in and pick up my rings. Plural. Meaning my engagement ring and wedding band, which had until today been fused. I think it will be good for me to see them apart, as two... and to give the band to the B-man's mom :) (Seriously - what am I going to do with it? The engagement ring, on the other hand, is beautiful and very non-traditional looking (thus wear-able at some later date).)

During the same visit to the ex-in-laws I will be returning the various material goods one accumulates when you share your life with another person. I'm not looking forward to pilfering through everything, especially the wedding-related items. I feel as though I got the short end of the stick on this front, as everything is at my parent's house I am forced to do this instead of him. On the plus side, it is highly unlikely that the B-man even remembers everything that we own and will be unaware of what doesn't make it to his house. Oops. Good stuff, welcome to my house.

On a happier note, the fact that I will soon be forced to do this means I will be at home, surrounded by the people I love, and who love me. That is a too-rare occurrence right now, and one I am looking forward to tremendously.

The fact that it's Christmas isn't really playing into my excitement, which I am attributing in part to my feeling awfully adult-ish this year. The importance of true friends and a supportive family has made itself clear to me over the past few months, and this year I can honestly say that the holiday season has new meaning - in a very good way.


Ashley said...

awwww... you miss me too! :)

rmtrax said...

Yeah for the holiday adn friends and family. If nothing else, you can down a few spiked egg nogs before digging into the stuff. You can take stuff for emotional suffering :)