Friday, December 01, 2006

There should be a cartoon lightbulb above my head.

As I pushed my grocery cart to my car yesterday evening I had an epiphany. That's right, an epiphany. If I were a cartoon character (what kind of messed up cartoon would that be?) there would have been bells dinging and a lightbulb flashing - it was that kind of epiphany.

Grocery shopping has the potential to suck for single people, circumstances depending. No, that's not the epiphany, but it's related. I decided that someone needs to design a 21 and over grocery store - forget (or, even better, in addition to) sample stations: SHOT STATIONS! That's right, I firmly believe that the grocery shopping experience could be much more pleasant with the addition of a small amount of alcohol (keep in mind we will have to drive home with purchased items). Seriously - how fun would that be? Leave the produce department head toward frozen food and have a shot of tequila on the way. I love it.

I realize there will need to be some sort of system for monitoring the number of drinks provided (one upon entry, tickets, etc)... these details bore me. Singles will agree, though, that the concept is appealing.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

dude, you do have a flask. you could be doing this already. ;)

your post reminds me of another post from another page i read, that you might enjoy &/or relate to:

Table for One