Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A tribute of sorts.

In honor of the upcoming concert, I have compiled one of my favorite things, a list!

My ten favorite Bacilos songs (and reasons for said selections)

10. Contigo Se Va (Final single - so good, yet so sad)

9. Odio el Silencio (For the romantic in me)

8. El Edificio (Just plain good)

7. Viejo (I want someone to walk the streets of a city all night simply because they know that I'm there)

6. Besela Ya (Makes me smile and dance every single time - plus the video is pretty darn good)

5. Pasos de Gigante (Goodness, how I relate - I feel ya Jorge, I feel ya)

4. Feliz Conmigo (Fantastic "like me for who I am" bottom line, and Jorge growls - what more could you want in a song?)

3. Mi Primer Millon (So fun + they mention Guayaquil, AND I can make out the subjunctive)

2. Caraluna (Mancora, Peru (and/or Guayaquil, Ecuador) + cute, Latin boys singing to me = good times.)

Drum roll, please....

1. Tabaco y Chanel (This is the song that taught me to grab my 20's by the balls - thank you, Bacilos)

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