Friday, March 02, 2007

Who knew?

I've come to a realization. While I enjoy traveling (tremendously), I do not particularly like trips two weekends in a row. My excitement about next week's conference is being overshadowed by the fact I would much rather stay at home on Sunday (as opposed to driving back to Jacksonville to board another plane). In addition, I am not quite prepared to go out of town again. For example, it did not occur to me to arrange for a cat-sitter. Oops. Now I feel guilty for asking at the last minute. Also, I need "business-type" clothing... and I need to find it tomorrow. It should be noted that I HATE [clothes] shopping. To my core. This hatred can only be exacerbated by shopping for "difficult" clothing-related items, such as swimwear (and jeans). Suits, I feel, are destined to fall into this category. Alas, I have one afternoon to find one. Again, oops. So after work today I will go to my softball game with the camo-wearing, chew-spitting teammates, then home to do laundry. Tomorrow I must wake up, take my car to the Volkswagen service people (because the first auto place couldn't fix it), make my way to the car rental pick-up place, go to the bank, then find a suit before my evening [tennis] date. Finally, on Sunday I must begin the trek to the airport at 6am. Stupid far-away airport. I'm never living this far from a major airport again. It's officially made my list of place-to-live requirements. I think I'm grumpy today. Sorry.

So, I will not be blogging next week (maybe on Friday, if I come to work). I won't be home until Thursday night, so I'm crossing my fingers that boss-man Dan will tell me to stay home. Please send good luck vibes my way on Wednesday, so that I do not make a fool of myself in front of potential future employers. I could probably use some additional vibes tomorrow, while I search for a suite. Stupid clothes shopping.

Happy Friday.


Cara said...

Stupid clothes shopping indeed! Yeah, I avoid it at all possible costs. It's not fair that all that pretty stuff out there in the world just doesn't fit us ladies with child-bearing hips. Stupid jeans. (((Suit-finding luck vibes)))

Ashley said...

Good luck with everything! You will do fantastic at the conference.

rmtrax said...

good luck!

koprime said...

miss you!