Monday, May 14, 2007

Out of the office replies.

I can't decide how I feel about auto-"out of the office" messages. They seem like a good idea, in theory, but I often send many messages to the same people, and if they have one set, I will get many in return. This comes up because I need to decide if I should use one myself. I feel like everyone I correspond with knows I will be gone, so what's the point? But what if I'm wrong, and then I just don't respond to someone for a week and feel badly about it next week? Tough call, no? Anyway, I will be gone for the rest of the week! Hooray! I wish I could find a job in which I only had to work one day a week; I think that would be ideal. Knowing that I would be out for the rest of the week, today has been fantastic!

Graduation is Wednesday, and I'll be wearing my new dress! I tried to find it on the BR website, but to no avail. Sorry, folks. I will have andrea #1 take some photos and post upon my return.

I hope everyone has a great week!


koprime said...

welcome to the mid-atlantic!

also -- congrats!

Ashley said...

that is dumb. my work email only sends 1 out-of-office auto-reply per email address.

have a great trip!

... someone just called me but i can't move and can't reach my phone. i have a feeling it was you. so sorry bout that.