Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Realization of the week.

All of a sudden, Gainesville feels a bit more like home. I had a fantastic time with Andrea #1 last week, and was very sad at the prospect of leaving (I heart her). However, upon returning to G'ville I stopped at a birthday shin-dig and made an amazing realization; the whole gang was there and when I arrived, I realized I was so, so happy to see them! I now feel completely at ease with the group here (good timing, no?) and, so it may seem, even miss them when I go out of town. Hooray for finding people I like :)

I still find myself in that weird in-between place of not knowing where "home" is. Is M-F home? I haven't actually lived there in 7 years, so that seems a bit far fetched. Gainesville seems temporary, no matter how much I currently enjoy it, so it doesn't feel right to say this is "home" either. Am I homeless? Baltimore, no matter how sucky, felt like home because I was there with someone else, so new single-Steph feels homeless (though I do have the cats...).

The next place I find myself needs to be home - at least for awhile - so I'm going to go out of my way to make it feel like that from the start. I've got the furniture and the cats, so what more do I really need?


Ashley said...

home is where the heart is. haha. just kidding... i think.

i think it is a good idea to pick your next destination carefully and make sure it is a place you'd like to potentially end up staying forever. i made the mistake of not even considering that when i decided to stay in portland. it was just going to be 'for awhile.' and that's one of my biggest regrets. i wish i would have taken a litle more time to find a job somewhere where i WANTED to live potentially forever. now i feel stuck somewhere i really don't want to live! :(

stephanie said...

it's so funny that you feel "stuck" there, and i can't seem to get there when i know i want to :)

i think olympia would be nice... i'm not a huge-city type girl, but i do enjoy being close to cities - does that make sense? so in that scenario, olympia fits (and i'd be close to you if you head north).

so far i've really only been choosing locations that i think would be nice places to live, so hopefully i'll end up somewhere good :)

rmtrax said...

I think the 3rd ingredient is peace. With everything. I understand about the temp thing. I thought Dallas felt temporary til I moved back, and it felt like home. I, too, haven't lived in my hometown in 7 years, and when I do go tyhere, it doesn't feel like home anymore. Huh, this nearing 10 year transition is a funny one.