Monday, July 23, 2007

The truth comes out.

I am secretly a big nerd.

I read Harry Potter this weekend (well, technically just on Saturday), after I bought it at midnight on Friday. Well, I actually bought it at 1:20am, since there were 500+ people in front of me in line at the G'ville Barnes & Noble. At least I'm not the only nerd, right? Finishing it quickly was both good and bad; on one hand, I felt super cool to be "in the know" on Sunday (and today, I suppose). On the other hand, no one else that I know has finished it, so I can't actually talk about it (not to mention that the finality of the series being over is somewhat devastating). Anyway, the Harry Potter series has come to an end; I did actually enjoy the final book (it may even be may favorite) and thought it was a fitting finale for the series - well done J.K.

Anyone who wants to know how is ends - I'm your girl.


Cara said...

I guess it's better to be a nerd than to wish you could be a nerd. In retrospect, I wish I had gone at least once to one of those midnight Harry Potter things. Crazy children, not being old enough for that stuff yet...I'm so going to be that mom that helps them put together their costumes and be as excited as them to line up hours beforehand for these things.

Does that make me a bigger nerd? I'm actually planning on these things, I'm hoping that things happen. Hmmm. Oh well, that's why you homeschool, right? One day I'll be surrounded by my own kind. We'll form caravans for these things. Tailgate dinners for the Harry Potter-like midnight revealings in the future. It's going to be awesome.

I'm jealous that you've read it already. I'm waiting to borrow a copy from someone when they and their husband are done with it. You could talk to her, she's read it all and could use someone to talk to as well.

Ashley said...

*secretly* a nerd? c'mon now. ;)

i went grocery shopping on saturday around noon at fred meyer (where they also sell books) and about 25 percent of customers had a copy of the new harry potter book in their hands.

you can talk to me about the book because i will never read it! although i won't have much to say back. except perhaps "so what IS a harry potter?"

koprime said...

I finished too -- we can chat allllll about it.

loved it, by the way.