Monday, October 30, 2006

The dangers of Halloween.


Miniature/fun sized candy is free-flowing this week (and last week, and probably next week too). Now let me say up front, I love candy. Not as much as the next girl: more. I am a sugar-aholic. Screw drugs/alcohol, it's sugar for me - anyone who knows me can vouch for this. I digress. That having been said, this time of year is a bit dangerous for me (and everyone else who loves candy). There are several contributing factors (as you know, I also love lists):

1. Candy is on sale!

I (and all Snyder/Irving women) love sales (and again, I also love candy)!! Who can pass up clearance priced bags of your favorite treats? I know I can't.

2. The perilous miniature size.

The logical part of me knows that miniature candy is a good idea. However, it is incredibly easy to convince yourself that two or three (... or more) miniature pieces are still better than a regular sized item. Why, I do not know - but can anyone disagree?

3. The guessing game.

Trick-or-treating is dependent on many things: weather, neighborhood, eager-to-appease parents, etc. For a girl in a new community, this means I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how many children may come to my door. Again, a logical person may say "buy some candy, if you run out, stop answering the door", or something to that nature. Sounds good, but instead I use this as an excuse to buy more candy! I have to be sure I have enough, right? So now, I secretly know I will have leftovers... and I live alone. One possible solution is to buy candy you do not particularly like... but who does that?

I think I'll stop now - I have some DOTS to eat.

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