Friday, October 27, 2006

A word for strangers who make comments.

You know who you are. Seriously - why would you EVER comment on a stranger's personal life? I like to think this person was trying to be nice... but that's a stretch. So I'll just come out and say it, to set the record straight: anyone who is 25 and divorced does not like that fact to be pointed out to them by strangers. They already know, believe me. HOWEVER, I am not ashamed of the position I am in, and have been getting the feeling from MANY people (friends included) that perhaps I should be (or at least embarrassed). Do I feel good about it? No. But anyone who really knows me knows that I did not rush into my marriage, did not rush out, and made the right choice by ending it. So strangers be warned - I will not be so nice the next time you insult me.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

amen, sister! :)