Monday, October 23, 2006

A quarter of a century.

It's true, as of 5am this morning (or so) I have existed for twenty-five years. How can that be possible? I definitely don't feel 25. Where did the last seven years go? Oh that's right, education/failed relationship (well, at least I'm educated - hahaha). On that note, this is the first birthday since my 15th that I have not been with Bryce. That's right, my 15th. I'm trying not to focus on that today, but it's hard. It's not that it makes me sad, per se, but it is somewhat daunting. The logical part of me realizes that 25 is not old, and that the majority of people my age are also single, but this isn’t where I envisioned myself. I had a plan, darn it.

So back to the fun part – it’s my birthday! Hooray for birthdays! I still don’t quite know why, but I have always loved birthdays (more so than most people): mine, of course, but other’s also. I love celebrating people and gift-giving (and receiving, I’ll admit it). I love the anticipation when you’re young, the tacky fun parties. It saddens me when adults choose not to acknowledge or celebrate their birthdays. Growing older is not automatically a bad thing! Sure, adulthood doesn’t have the same innocence of childhood, but being an adult has its own perks. I hope I continue to feel this way as the years pass. Remind me, if I don’t.

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