Friday, October 20, 2006

My husband has a girlfriend.

Catchy title, no? To be fair, we are almost divorced. And so, I am attempting to come to terms with this new development. I know - to my core - that I do not want to be with him, so in theory it shouldn't be a big deal (right?). Except that it is. Especially since it is very important to him that we remain friends (and to drill this point across he insists on calling me almost every day). Most days, I am not ready to be friends with him. Though I am flattered that he cares for me, it was just months ago that I envisioned us growing old together; it's difficult for me to make the marriage-to-friendship transition so quickly.

On a related note, this development has shown me the evils of Myspace. That's right, Myspace. The girlfriend is on Myspace (with lots of photos involving alcohol and some very amusing misspellings, I might add), and I am finding it incredibily difficult not to look at her page. WHY??? I cannot figure this out.

1 comment:

rmtrax said...

Crap. It doesn't matter you don't want to be with him. It is still total crap. Sorry. bet it makes you feel just a little good about the misspellings, right? or a lot good. I'd be in the a lot good boat (though I'm the one with the misspellings!!)
Stick it out. Or just get a voodoo doll. either way.