Friday, October 20, 2006

Decisivness - who needs it?

So I've decided to change the topic of my MHS essay. That's right, the one I was supposed to be working on during my internship, the one that's due in a couple of months. I discovered early on that the topic I was originally assigned didn't need the analysis done, so I needed to come up with something else (this happened August-September). I decided on the analysis of a subset of data my boss needed analyzed, but (as cheesy as this sounds) my heart was never really in it. The topic is interesting on the surface, but not interesting enough to want to spend months of my life researching. And so, I have a new topic - and there's no time to change again, so this is it!

I will now be conducting a review of vaccine risk communication in the United States in the last decade. And while I realize that might not sound fascinating to anyone else, it SO beats comparing survey responses of MDs and DOs. My boss and I had decided to do this review for publication in a relatively new journal last month, so it works out perfectly! And I get to be first author! That means nothing to most people, does it? I bet Rita's excited for me, though :)

I'll let everyone know how it goes; I hope to have a draft in before Christmas (because who wants to be thinking about an essay when they can hang out in m-f carefree instead??).


KatyH said...

You get to be first author? That's awesome, if it means what I think it means. Good for you!

rmtrax said...

You know me so well. That is SOO awesome. I think I'm feeling some envy...yep, my nose just turned a little green:)
Naw, j/k. Thats awesome! congrats!
And you tell those mf'ing strangers to mind their own mf'ing g*damn business. Especially if they're ultrareligous! Just remember, and you have stated it before...People are in general very stupid, and rude.

And Happy Birthday!