Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Christmas conundrum.

It is officially the holiday season. I love the holiday season; I might not love the traditional meaning of Christmas, but I love the season nonetheless. This year, though, things are difficult. It's time to decide if I should embrace the season and decorate my apartment. What should be a simple decision is ridiculously complicated for me this year. Will spreading "holiday cheer" in my home really make me cheerful? Or will it just draw attention to the fact that I am celebrating the holidays alone (for the first time)?

I know what you're thinking: "You're going to be with your family for Christmas!". True, but we all know that Christmas is much more than a day. It's the entire month of December, no? Already we are bombarded by commercials and advertisements for sales and Christmas goodies. The ads are full of families and couples celebrating each other and togetherness. Uuggh. And the stupid jewlery ads - they're driving me crazy this year! I hate you, Zales. I hate you, Kay (and no, you are NOT responsible for every kiss, thank you very much).

And so, do I get a tree? Do I set out red candles and garland and ornaments? Or do I take shelter in my cozy apartment and wait out the season? I've got to decide soon - December begins tomorrow.


Ashley said...

i say - go for some holiday decorations! maybe not a tree, but a few small things. You could also try to avoid the X-mas theme and go w/ more of a winter theme. i.e. snowmans and snowflakes. (do they sell those in florida? haha.) just enough for you to enjoy (and your cats to bat at), but not feel overwhelmed.

and also - those things in the jewelry commercials don't actually happen to ANYONE in real life! :) but i agree they should be pulled from the air immediately!

Sara said...

I'm with Ashley. You should definitely do some decorating. I think it's all about defining a new tradition for yourself. I didn't decorate my apartment the first year I was in it, and I made me sad. It didn't feel like Christmas time. I think you'll be happy to have some holiday cheer about. :o)

That said, are Christmas trees over there a million dollars? If you get an evergreen, there's a good chance it's from Oregon!

And Zales? Can bite it. I hate those commercials too. I don't know anyone, ever, who gets diamonds for Christmas. Other commercials that incite my rath? The rich bastards who get keys to their new Jaguar or Lexus. Yeah, that's what most of the people in this country will be giving or receiving for Christmas this year. A Jaguar with a friggin' red bow on it. BARF.

On the bright side? Tis the season for sugar cookies!