Monday, November 27, 2006

More late night fun.

Let's replay last night:

11:30pm: I finish a Grey's episode and fall asleep.
2:04am: My eyes fly open as I awake to abnormal sounds.
2:04am: I say aloud "you have got to be freaking kidding me" as I realize what's going on.
2:05am-2:20am: I lay with a pillow over my head and pray for it to end.

Okay, seriously. I am open for suggestions now, as I do not want to listen to my neighbor and his girlfriend in the throws every night (literally 3 feet from where I sleep). What do I do? Because let me tell you, being woken up 3 hours into the night's sleep by a bed thumping and a girl moaning can only go on for so long. I think I may go crazy soon.

I feel somewhat selfish, as it is his right to.... you know, in his own home. But really - it wakes me up from a dead sleep and I'm forced to lay there and bear witness! Can you say awkward? I would assume for all involved, but who can really say?



Ashley said...

your best choice - move. ok, probably not a real choice. clearly, talking to him hasn't worked so far since he continues to be loud. but you could leave him a note (since he avoids you) for good measure. then you could try talking to the apt manager and complaining. maybe if he hears it from management, it'll be more effective. does someone live on the other side of him as well? if so, get them to complain as well. keep complaining to management. then demand the ability to break your lease w/o penalty if they are unable to stop it because you shouldn't have to live in those conditions. hopefully it won't come to that, but they should handle it and kick him out if he continues to be so disruptive! if that doesn't work then you are only left with retaliation. :) figure out when he's sleeping and blast heavy metal music.

koprime said...

i say play porno movies really loudly at random times, when you're awake. make sure the speakers go his way and not toward your nice neighbor on the other side.