Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Update to yesterday's post

The #12 issue lives on. Last night I was awoken to conversation intermixed with giggles and shrieks at 1:06am. Does this guy not have to work this week, or what? It was Monday night, for goodness sake. So after listening to this for 20 minutes without reprieve, I decided to knock on the wall (I'm so brave, no?). It worked! There was immediate silence followed by hushed conversation. So there!

Except... an hour later I woke to the sounds no one ever enjoys hearing from a neighbor and his girlfriend. Do you think he knows I can hear them? Do you think he cares? These are the questions of the day.

End result of last night'
s fun? I'm tired today. Stupid #12.


Ashley said...

that really sucks. i hate noisy neighbors. if it makes you feel any better i didn't sleep that well last night either. :) haha. i kept hearing this pounding noise outside the bedroom window. it took me a while to realize it was the wind blowing this heavy mat that t-dogg hung over the balcony railing. after hours of it, t-dogg didn't wake up, so i woke him once it got really loud and told him to go get the mat. (he put it there, he should go out in the storm, right?) as soon as he opened the sliding door to go get it, it flew off in a gust of wind, three stories down to the street. oh well! good story, i know. :) hmmm... it's like i'm blogging on your blog.

koprime said...


KatyH said...

Ahh, Number 12! What are you doing? He is really losing favor in my eyes. I hope he knows that!

buzzdoit said...

Mean things to do for retribution:

1. Leave a giant sack of condoms outside his door with a note - "I guess you'll be needing these."

2. Record noisy lovemaking , publish on website, leave him a note with web address.

3. Make a HELL of a lot of noise at 6:00am when you wake up in the morning.

Any other ideas?