Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Useless info about me.

[Relationship Status]- Single
[Shoe size]- 9
[Parents still together] - Yep
[Siblings] - 1 (+ a sister-in-law)
[Pets] - Jack & Rex, super cats

[Colors] - Green or brown
[Number] - 23
[Drinks] - Mt. Dew, Crystal Light fruit punch, Sam Adams Light, frozen margaritas
[Book] - If I have to choose... The Sex Lives of Cannibals
[Flower(s)] - Lilacs, lilies, hydrangea

Do You
[Color your hair?] - Nope
[Twirl your hair?] - Sometimes
[Have tattoos?] - Yep
[Have Piercings?] - None that are still functional
[Like roller coasters?] - Absolutely
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] - Depends on the day (today - no)
[Like cleaning?] - Oddly, yes

Have You Ever
[Been in a fist fight?] - Nope
[Considered a life of crime?] - Uh, no.
[Been in love?] - Yep
[Used someone] - Just recently, actually
[Been used?] - Probably
[Stolen anything?] - Perhaps in middle school? I'm such a rebel.
[Held a gun] - Yep. I'm from M-F, people.

[Current favorite clothing] - New-ish jeans/Hopkins hoodie
[Current mood] - ... is it 5 yet?
[What you currently smell like] - Good question... baby powder/almond?
[Current hair] - French braid + bun... I'm so capable these days!
[Current thing I ought to be doing] - Reading "Communicating science to the public: MMR vaccine and autism"

[Last book you read] - The Ambler Warning
[Last movie you saw] - Casino Royale
[Last thing you ate] - Fresh veggies
[Last person you talked to on the phone] - Carol I

Do You
[Believe there is life on other planets?]- Undecided
[Remember your first love?]- Yep
[Read the newspaper?] - Lately, not so much. I'm a CNN.com addict, though.
[Do well in school?]- Yep, though motivation is lacking at the moment
[Have a best friend?] - Yep (shout out)

[First crush] - Travis Winky? First grade baby - we kissed in the tires.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] - Undecided, leaning toward no.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] - I thought so
[Too shy to make the first move?] - Yep

Are You
[Sarcastic] - Yep, though it takes some time to reveal itself
[Shy] - Depends on the day
[Talkative] - Not so much


Rick Hunter said...

I think about you:
[r u spanish] NO
[r u southamerican] NO
[do u like ESPAÑOL] MAYBE

KatyH said...

You've never been in a fistfight? Are you sure you're from M-F?