Tuesday, November 07, 2006

To quote a friend...

I have decided to grab my 20's by the balls. You heard correctly, by the balls. I'm not sure what kind of balls my 20's have, but I enjoy the expression tremendously nonetheless. All who read this are aware of my plight (stupid marriage and all) - I have never dated! Ever! Or really done anything youthful and spontaneous, perhaps more importantly (except those glorious months in Ecuador... ahh). And so, I will grab my 20's by the balls ( I can't get enough of this expression - thanks, Sally!).

The adventures will revolve around travel, I have decided. Y'all know how I feel about traveling (that's right, y'all). I started things off with trips to Minnesota (crazy fun!), Alaska (I love you Bowden!), and the Dominican Republic (Gofer!!) - things are really starting to get interesting now. In the next 6 weeks I will find myself in Richmond Virginia (the capital of fun), New York City (this one should be especially good) and finally in Oregon and Washington for the holidays (it really doesn't get better). Finances permitting, I am planning a 2007 pilgrimage back to Ecuador (where I first grabbed my 20's by the balls).

I am incredibly excited about my plans, and feel I have earned a few indulgent trips (NYC, namely). I could find more self-destructive means to mend, but feel this is perhaps the more responsible route. Heaven forbid I find myself following K-nut in "her old ways". Man, I love inside jokes in the blog - sorry to those out of the loop.

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