Thursday, January 04, 2007

20 hours later...

I've returned to (ridiculously warm) Florida! Seriously, was it always this hot here? The warm clothes I bought for my Northwest adventure will be stored for the time being, as 80 degrees is too hot for sweaters, even for me (and y'all know how I feel about sweaters). Needless to say (but I will anyway), the gatos were SUPER excited to see me. Jack didn't know what to do with himself - he literally ran up and down the stairs. So, so cute. They followed me around all night and morning (purring), both sleeping on the bed with me and laying on the bathroom floor while I showered. Who says cats don't have personality? They need to meet these guys. And since I did ZERO work while I was gone (sorry, bossman), it's time to "hunker down" and write this paper. Wish me luck. On an aside, I had a super yucky dream about the b-man and mkate. yuck yuck yuck. It wasn't the ideal way to spend my first night home. On a bright note, #12 is still away, so no loud neighbor noise [yet]. I'll try to blog intermittently while slaving away on my long overdue project.

Happy New Year to all.

1 comment:

KatyH said...

Y'all! I love it!