Monday, January 29, 2007

Stephanie A. Irving...


It's true, I persevered with the writing and managed to finish (just) before the deadline - hooray for not paying another $2000. But really, what's another $2000 at this point? Almost is much fun is that I also submitted the paper to a journal last week. That's right - I may be published in the upcoming months. Who would have thought? Anyone who is super interested in vaccine risk communication in the United States is more than welcome to read it (I'm not expecting a lot of takers).

What's supposed to fill my time, now that I don't have to... feel guilty about not writing? Well, I've come up with several options. First - knitting! I've wanted to learn for over a year; the time is right and there are people to help me along, so weekly knitting sessions are in the works! Yay! I am going to pick out some patterns today! I value any suggestions from Mrs. Brooke, as she is the resident expert in this area. Second, more tennis! Hooray! Now that I have my super sweet new racquet, I'm ready! Finally, the gym that I have been paying for and not utilizing for the last few weeks is calling my name. I am actually very excited to start going again, and take that as a good sign - I'll be there tonight!

Sadly enough, I do not have anything else remotely blogworthy to report... last week was filled with writing, and the weekend was rather boring (though in a good, relaxing way). I spent much of the time watching Alias, as I bought myself the second season as a reward for completing my Masters degree... I'm pretty wild.

Anyway, I'm back in the blogging world - I'll try to do better tomorrow.


Cara said...

I am quite happy to offer my novice advice on the subject of knitting...but give me a while to get back to you on that. :)
Wow, letters behind your name and everything.
I'm interested in reading your article.
I think I said everything I intended to say.

koprime said...

excellent! congrats!

Ashley said...

congrats on the degree and the published paper!! both are big accomplishments. i, on the other hand, am going for the world's record for longest time taken to complete a master's degree ... or maybe most graduate credits earned whilst not earning any degrees. not sure which it will be yet!

Anonymous said...

It is fun having letters to put behind your name! I have some I get to use from time to time and it feels grown up! I am so excited that you could get published! That is very very cool to us nerdy, scholarly types.