Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I love the bandwagon.

* Today I spent the entire day designing a survey about sex. My job rocks.

* Speaking of, #12 started his day off right.

* I feel insulted about the cream cheese/cheesecake comment on Ashley's blog. It hurts me. To reiterate: cream cheese = cheesecake = dessert! It does not belong on wheat-y, onion-y, non-sweet bagels. So there.

* I asked the B-man to give me more money today. He's buying a house, so he can afford it.

* I am knitting a kehole scarf! It is mossy green and lovely.

* "Amber" was very funny at tennis last night... she was not afraid to charge the net.

* I will be an aunt in approximately 10 weeks (that was sooo fast!)

* I am oddly excited about going to the gym tonight, except that I would rather go to the poker tournament, but feel I should be responsible.

* Florida is suprisingly cold this week (I know I sound wimpy).

* A tennis insructor had an Oregon State sweatshirt on last night... v. odd - I almost forgot where I was. Almost.

* I did my exit interview yesterday. Student loans are very, very horrible once you have to think about them. Better be worth it.

* I am strangely addicted to celery + red pepper hummus right now. I seriously cannot get enough of it. Do you think I have some sort of nutritional deficiency?

* Amber got a new car this weekend. I want to buy it.

* I wish Ashley wouldn't have shared her recipe for cheesecake cups with me (second cheesecake reference). I used almond instead of vanilla and am hooked. HOOKED.

* I get to baby-sit for bass-man-Dan this weekend - he has very cute babies.

* Tomorrow is February. FEBRUARY! Soon my brother will be "in his 30's" (even more than he already is).

* I don't want to do this anymore. Maybe I will go home... Charmed is on, you know.


Ashley said...

have you tried cream cheese on a bagel ... in the last two years? don't knock it till you try it or re-try it!

KatyH said...

I have some red pepper hummus in my fridge right now. It is good.