Friday, January 05, 2007

A story most blog-worthy.

Last night I discovered that I live in the ghetto. Who knew? As I was finishing up with dinner we experienced a power outage. Okay, I thought, I can handle this. Though I do not own a flashlight (oops), I do have a plethora of candles and keep a lighter handy for occasions such as this (and for all the crack smoking). So I lit several candles and finished my dinner (very romantic). About this time I start hearing huge banging sounds outside. Gunshots? I don't think so. Then comes the screams. Now I start to worry. I recall the story of the woman in New York who was killed while all the people watched from their windows and didn't do anything. What to do, what to do? Now I can make out that she is definitely close and screaming for help. I decided to investigate further. Once on my back patio I find that others are also coming to her rescue (good job, neighbors!) - phew, the pressure's off. Even #12 (yes, he returned last night) was out there - two points for him (he's still WAY in the hole). So we discover it's the woman who lives kitty-corner to me - I can see her sliding glass doors from mine - and she is HYSTERICAL. She is screaming for help, saying that she's locked in her house, can't get out, her baby is crying and she doesn't know what to do. Hhmmm, I think - has the baby never cried before? And the power is out, yes, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't interfere with the locking mechanisms on our front and back doors (not that I'm an expert, but they are just regular deadbolts). Anyway, she is SCREAMING for help, telling us to call the police or kick in her glass door. Yep, seriously. Probably not the best idea with a baby inside, I'm thinking to myself, but okay. So one of the good samaritans concedes and calls 911 (911!) while others are using flashlights to look at her door/lock and figure out why she can't get out. While they communicate through the glass she is asked for her address to give to the police... and she doesn't know it! Seriously? I know for a fact that this woman has lived in these apartments at least as long as I have. Wow. So someone comes up with the address for the cops, who I'm sure are also shaking their heads in bewilderment, and the guys with the flashlight tell her to walk to her front door while they hold the light and try to get out that way (since she CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO UNLOCK HER BACK DOOR). After she moves the entryway closet out of the way and finds the front door she realizes that, what do you know, she can get out afterall. Wow. This was one of the craziest things I've ever seen. Who knew that my neighbors were so cool? So I walked back inside, shaking my head, and thought to myself, "this is going on the blog". You're welcome.


KatyH said...

That's awesome! I can't wait to hear more about it. I am also impressed that so many neighbors came out to help. I think y'all have bonded now.

rmtrax said...

Holy Crap. That is DEFINTELY a blog worthy story!! We don't have any hot water today. It's not quite warm enough in Texas for an icy shower. Wait til February.