Friday, January 12, 2007

I shouldn't be the only one who gets to know.

#12's girlfriend had very, very enjoyable sex last night. Twice.

I feel like I live in hell. Or am being punished.

On a happier note, it's the Friday preceding a 3-day weekend (filled with writing fun).


Ashley said...

that really sucks! i think you should let him know at least that you can hear them. maybe that'll embarrass him enough to make them stop? ... ok, probably not. they'll probably just get louder.

stephanie said...

i hate to go on and on about this, but it is a really horrible, weird situation! i HATE being woken up to really loud sexual sounds! and they are SOO close in proximity to me! his bed is so loud! and last night she was SREAMING for petes sake. it is like a nightmare almost every night. i wake up to it, from a dead sleep, and its so loud that i just have to lay there listening until its over. aaahhh! at lest it doesnt ususally get too lound until near the end. i HATE that i know that.

Cara said...

I'm reminded of a story that may offer you a solution?
Well, I won't tell you the whole thing, but the jist of it was that the neighbor could hear...uh, stuff, so she left a nice little note on their doorstep to let them know she could hear.

That way you could avoid the whole face-to-face "I hear you when you're having sex" conversation, which would probably be rather uncomfortable for everyone.

If that doesn't work, perhaps there is a noise ordinance in your rental clause?

Or you could move your bed to another location/room?

Or you could make some nice homebacked goodies with a secret ingredient baked in that inhibits erectile function?

Just a few suggestions...pick and choose from those that suit your fancy.

Cara said...

Or perhaps blast Disney tunes through the wall whenever they start with their nocturnal activities.
I think "Hakuna Matata" would be especially appropriate.
Or the recorded noise of a newborn baby crying.

koprime said...

i'm with everyone else -- leave a note, maybe that will help. i'm really sorry, dude. it sucks because the rest of the apartment is great -- location is nice, squirrels are fun, cats are happy. you shouldn't have to be so miserable, though!

rmtrax said...

bummer. The ideas here are good, and worthy of trying at least once. I think Disney would ruin the mood right when it matters most. hehehe.
Though creating great hatred in your neighbors may not be so good for you, if they are ones they will retaliate.