Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back from the abyss.

It's been a rough week. Highlights include me crying in public (sorry about that) and skipping out on work for the good of my mental health. But I will persevere! Anyway, things are looking a bit brighter: tomorrow is already Thursday (time flies when you don't go to work), my boss has returned from his seemingly-endless travels (meaning work will be busier and thus more "fun"), I have another softball game Friday night (we kicked bum last week), I am so excited about the new gym I've been going to (I seriously can't wait to go tonight - perhaps something is wrong with me?), and payday is this week (meaning an automatically good weekend is in store).

In an attempt to catch up with my blogging community:

1. mrsbrooke will not blog? this is devastating news! wait... she will blog, just not as often. i can probably handle this.

2. the package fairy also visited me! moonstruck mexican hot chocolate! if only it weren't 85 degrees here... that's what A/C is for, correct? to create the feeling of winter in an attempt to enjoy cocoa? it's worth a shot. also, I AM NOT A CAT LADY.

3. ash-can most definitely needs to get out more. if she cannot even recognize a party once she's in the room... more surprise parties are in store (just so she can practice).

4. krista's on spring break? oh, the life of a student! how i miss week-long breaks for no reason!

5. it's about gosh-darn time that the unwillingexpat updated the blog. seriously. i was about to stop checking.

6. any of my regular readers have any feelings about truman capote (i believe ash does?)? i am tempted to read some of his work after reading buzz's blog. any suggestions?

7. rtrax! update the bloggers on the happenins in texas. please?

i think that's it.


Ashley said...

phew. you're back! it's been a rough week in the blogging world.

correct - you are not a cat lady. you are a CRAZY cat lady. ;) at least you know i'm joking... right?

i recommend watching 'capote' the movie. but other than that i have no thoughts on the man. sorry.

Cara said...

Don't make fun of me, it's been a hard week here too! :)

I feel so retarded for saying I wouldn't blog and then going ahead and blogging anyway. But I was getting so bummed out from NOT blogging that I figured blogging was the lesser of the two evils. The keyword is moderation. I'm not so good with moderation. We'll see how the experiment goes, I personally think I'll be back to my regular blogging habits within a week.

Glad you've survived life for the past sure likes to get at ya every now and then, doesn't it? :)

koprime said...

i missed you! i'm glad you're black. or something.

i also liked capote the movie, but i have no other opinions (though... you didn't ask me, now, did you?)

let's have another get together -- that was fun!!!

buzzdoit said...

Cute post :)

Gyms are very exciting - It's like a playground for adults.

Good luck on the softball game!

rmtrax said...

OHMIGOD!! I got a mention on SI's blog? IS this for real? I am soo honored right now. Thanks man. And, I updated. I have tanlines, and Dallas-ites are way too rich. Check it for EvEN more updates! exciting stuff. PS: Are you coming to Dallas?

stephanie said...


2. I was in no way trying to make fun of mrs. brooke - i am hooked on the bloggings of the happy homemaker. i am secretly v. jealous.

3. I asked all readers, and I would love to have another get together. Wanna meet in Bath unkie in St. Augustine?

4. So right about the gyms - I want to go right now just thinking about it.

5. I am planning a Dallas trip, yes. Perhaps April 6 or 13th. Work for you?

KatyH said...

I read In Cold Blood when I lived in Kansas, and I enjoyed it. Also Breakfast at Tiffany's. It was short and quick, and good, so I can recommend that as well. There might have been some other novellas, or whatever, along with Breakfast at Tiffany's, that I've also read. I like him. Truman Capote, that is.

Anonymous said...

yes, I am enjoying what is one of my last spring breaks. I don't know how next years one will work out since it in in between our two clinicals. I have thoroughly enjoyed pretending that I don't have a million and one things to do for a few days. I have needed this break very badly. School is getting to me. ggrrrrr.....