Friday, March 09, 2007


Kansas City is ugly. There's really no getting around it. Now, I realize that March may not be the city's prettiest month, but I find it hard to believe it gets all that much better. U-G-L-Y, ugly. Anyway, the Hyatt was nice. And I had a nice view of the [ugly] city. I realized about 1/2 way through the week, though, that even when it's on someone else's dime, traveling alone isn't all that fun. At least when it's at a conference where everyone else knows someone. Tricky. All that being said, it was a good week. I met some of boss-man Dan's colleagues, spoke in front of 100+ people, and had plenty of quality me-time. Aside from a slight bump Tuesday night, the week was pretty good. Stupid b-man. But that's a whole different story.

It's fun to get to work after being gone for 5 days and realize that it's Friday. I thought it was Monday all morning, so what a pleasant surprise. I even have a softball game tonight. Cross your fingers I don't suck it up while catching. Seriously - who puts the new girl in as catcher? Is that really the smartest move?

A couple of [boring but pleasant] things to report:

1. Found a suit; looked super professional + cute during above-mentioned presentation.
2. Jetta got her muffler and locks fixed (and for less than the estimate!). It's as if she's brand new.
3. Cats are super happy to have me home. I love them. A super-ridiculous amount.


Cara said...

I was always put in as catcher when I was the new girl. It's not fair and it's not smart. But no one else usually wants the position. Bah. Good luck. What's the suit look like?

rmtrax said...

yeah for you!! And a new suit, too?!

koprime said...

sounds like a lot of fun -- i'm glad it went well, and i'm happy you're back! :)